July 23, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School:
Worldly Truths
We are Buddhist practitioners. As a practitioner, we have to train our minds under all circumstances. We are not overly delighted by being praised. We are not angered by impolite slander. Actually, these impolite people are our good advisors, who help us to practice perseverance, clear our karmic obstructions, and enrich our blessings.
If we are unable to overcome these circumstances, we will not make progress. If we never encounter challenges, we will stay in the same state forever. This is why we have to be thankful for them.
我們是修行人,修行人要藉境練心。聽到別人讚歎恭維, 也不歡喜; 受到別人非禮污辱, 也不惱恨。對我們非禮的人, 其實是我們的善知識, 是來成就我們的忍辱, 消除我們的業障,增長我們的福德的。
境界不能過,就是被境界打倒了,人就不會進步。如果沒有境界來歷練, 我們就永遠只能在原地踏步, 所以要感謝對方。
Namo Amituofo!