Friday, July 26, 2019

July 25 2019

July 25, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Right View on Buddhist teachings


As long as you aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss through Amitabha-recitation, no matter who you are – sagely or ordinary being, good or evil being, with or without practices, all are certain to be reborn in the Land of Bliss. Once reborn, our Buddha-nature is revealed and unfolds. Our Buddha-nature cannot be revealed in the Saha land because it is obstructed by greed, hatred and delusion.

Moreover, there is no need to learn to accumulate Buddha-nature, because Buddha-nature originally contains the unconditional great kindness and one-entity great compassion, and it originally contains the wisdom and power to deliver sentient beings. It can be said: Buddha’s kindness and compassion, power of wisdom, and vow power are all fully and completely contained within Buddha-nature. If it were not contained in this way, there would be no way for us to attain it, no matter how much we accumulate and how much we learn.

只要念佛願生極樂,不管是誰──聖人凡夫、善人惡人、有修行沒有修行,都必定往生極樂世界。一旦往生極樂世界, 我們的佛性當下就會展現, 現在佛性之所以無法顯現, 是因為被貪瞋癡障礙住了。

再者,佛性不需要學、不需要累積,佛性裏面本來就具足「無緣大慈,同體大悲」,本來就具足救度眾生的力量智慧,可以說佛的慈悲、智慧、神通、願力,佛性裏面通通都具足。如果佛性裡面沒有具足這些的話, 我們再怎麼樣累積、怎麼樣學習都不可能有。

Namo Amituofo