Aug 12, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha
Amitabha Buddha and I are one entity. His achievement of Buddhahood depends on my rebirth, and my rebirth depends on his achievement of Buddhahood. It is similar to reeds, each depends on the other. One will fall if the other does not exist. Apart from Amitabha Buddha, all Buddhas of the ten directions have NOT this vow.
阿彌陀佛與我一體,他的成佛依靠我的往生,我的往生依靠他的成佛,如蘆葦相依相靠,缺一即倒。除了阿彌陀佛, 十方諸佛無此誓願。
Namo Amituofo!