Aug 13, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect
Regardless whether referring to the Mahayana or Theravada, the Sacred Path or the Pure Land Path, the law of cause and effect is fundamental. In general, cause and effect means, the respective effect must follow a particular cause. The reason why there is such an effect is the result of a respective cause generated in the past.
In the world, there is no effect without a cause, and also there is no cause to come into effect. “Cause and effect” is an abbreviated way of saying “an effect resulting from causal conditions”. It is a very complicated and subtle concept that underlies the entire process of “an effect resulting from causal conditions”.
However, in order to understand cause and effect, we can hold a principle – all matters are related to cause and effect. So, we should not just believe in cause and effect, but believe deeply in cause and effect.
不管是大乘、小乘、聖道門、淨土門,因果都是最基本的。一般所講的因果, 是種什麼因,就得什麼果;之所以得什麼果,是因為曾經種什麼因。
Namo Amituofo!