Saturday, August 3, 2019

August 2 2019

Aug 2, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land

The Pure Land Path and the Sacred Path are different. The former is a teaching of other-power through faith. “Other-power” refers to the vow power of Amitabha Buddha. Faith is the belief in objective factual existence. If there isn’t any belief in objective existence, faith is void or is only empty talk.

It is an objective fact that, because of Shakyamuni’s assurance to us, Amitabha Buddha and the Land of Bliss exist. So, the existence of Amitabha Buddha is the origin of our faith. We simply believe what the Buddha says, and don’t need to analyze, compare, and calculate. Naturally and pristinely, we can accept Amitabha’s deliverance without any worry and doubt.

It is similar to the moon in the sky casting an image in water. The image of the moon is not produced by itself. Because of the moon, images will be produced wherever there is water, whether it is a great lake or a small cup of water. Unless the moon is covered up by something, if there are a thousand rivers, there will be a thousand images of the moon.

(to be continued tomorrow)




Namo Amituofo!