Wednesday, August 21, 2019

August 20 2019

Aug 20, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect


Though one thought in our minds is small, it is strong enough to fill the great cosmos. One thought from our minds, or one word from our mouths permeates the entire universe, and returns to us. Thus, every instance is the result of causal conditions, resonating like an echo.

It is similar to a TV channel. On whichever channel we switch to, we can see the pictures of the chosen program on the screen. If you don’t switch, it means the causal condition has not matured, and the effect is not produced. So, in each moment, we should always be kindly aware of this thought.

我們這一念心雖然狹小,也是遍滿三千大千世界的。我們起一念或發一句語言, 都會繞遍全宇宙,又回到我們身邊,時時刻刻都是因緣果報、有響斯應的時候。


Namo Amituofo!