Aug 30, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism
Though they are Pure Land teachings, a teaching WITH the connotation of Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow and other those teachings WITHOUT are not the same!
If pure lands are interpreted by those on the Sacred Path, they are not pristine Pure Land (Amitabha’s Land of Bliss). Moreover, with respect to the general concepts of pure lands, Pure Land teachings are not the same as the teaching of Amitabha’s deliverance through his Fundamental Vow.
So, the Pure Land (Amitabha’s Land of Bliss) interpreted by those on the Sacred Path is distorted and misled. Similarly, the Pure Land teaching in our School interpreted by the general concepts of pure lands is also distorted and misled.
如果以聖道門來解釋淨土, 那就不是純粹的淨土了。進一步,在一般的淨土理念當中,淨土法門也不是彌陀本願救度的法門。
所以, 一般聖道門看淨土, 會對淨土有曲解、有誤會。同樣的,以一般的淨土理念來看我們這個法門,也會對我們這個法門有曲解、有誤會。
Namo Amituofo!