Monday, August 12, 2019

August 8 2019

Aug 8, 2019

A quote from Master Shandao’s Chapter on the Profound Meaning in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra:

善導大師語錄 - 《觀經疏》〈玄義分〉:

To distinguish and explain the difference in objectives and in teaching:

The objective of the Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra is to explain the inconceivable emancipation; and the objective of the Mahaprajna Sutra is to explain the wisdom of emptiness. These are but two examples.

The objective of the Contemplation Sutra is the Samadhi of Contemplation of Amitabha Buddha, as well as the Samadhi of Amitabha-recitation. Its substance is rebirth in the Pure Land through dedication and aspiration with singleness of mind. In addition, it speaks of the teachings of Theravada and Mahayana.

Question: Between these two “stores”(canons, teachings), in which one is this Sutra included?

Answer: This Sutra is included in the Bodhisattva Canon, and it is stored under the category of the Sudden Teaching.



今此《觀經》,即以觀佛三昧為宗,亦以念佛三昧為宗;一心迴願 往生淨土為體。




Namo Amituofo!