Monday, August 12, 2019

August 9 2019

Aug 9, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School:

Worldly Truths


We reincarnate within the Six Realms life after life; so, it can be said that we have committed all kinds of offensive karma. Thus, we have these seeds of evil karma stored inside our Alaya Consciousness, waiting for the effect to come under appropriate conditions. When the conditions change, such as reincarnating to another realm in another life, it is possible for us to do anything!

Thus, we should always bear in mind that we are also wicked people. Then we can accept, accommodate, offer sympathy, and comfort each other. In so doing, we become humble and soft, and we will not be arrogant and look down upon others.

我們生生世世流轉在六道當中,可以說什麼惡業都曾做過,這些惡業的種子, 長期以來都潛藏在我們的阿賴耶識裏面,只是尚沒遇到起現行的境緣而已。當情境不同時,或者投個胎、轉個世,任何事情我們都有可能做出來的。


Namo Amituofo!