Thursday, September 26, 2019

September 26 2019

Sep 26, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect


With respect to the concept of cause and effect, ordinary people think it is very common, no big deal. Actually, it is because it is common that makes it important.

The teachings spoken by Shakyamuni Buddha are called “sutras for a generation.” What is the consistent truth among sutras for a generation? It is “cause and effect”.

Cause and effect are the core and fundamental teachings of Buddhism. If we abandon the law of cause and effect, there isn’t any Buddhism. Among those who teach the sutras, if they do not include cause and effect, they are not speaking about them correctly. A plain, ordinary Buddhist will only practice diligently if he deeply believes in cause and effect. Conversely, if he does not know about cause and effect, he will not practice the Buddhist teachings in a plain and ordinary manner.



Namo Amituofo!

September 25 2019

Sep 25, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha



Therefore, we should know what kind of Buddha Amitabha is. Through this understanding we experience a kind of joy, comfort, and peace of mind when we recite Amitabha’s name.

Above all, a Pure Land practitioner regards Amitabha Buddha as our Principal Buddha, the only Buddha for prostration, and the only Buddha whose name we recite.



Namo Amituofo!

September 24 2019

Sep 24, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


Every morning when we awaken and open our eyes, we think of pursuing the Five Sensual Desires. These thoughts are born from greed, anger and delusion. How can such sentient beings in the ten directions enter the Land of Bliss, the wonderful Pure Land, through their own power, merit and virtues?

Amitabha Buddha’s” inconceivable” power, merits, and virtues are the greatest in delivering sentient beings. Amitabha Buddha’s light is the foremost in nobility among all Buddhas.

(to be continued)



Namo Amituofo!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

September 23 2019

Sep 23, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism


What is “inconceivable”? It enables an ordinary being with all kinds of afflictions tobe freed of his karma within the Three Domains and the Six Realms, and enables him to become a Buddha through rebirth in the Pure Land. The power of Amitabha’s Vow is indeed “inconceivable”!


Namo Amituofo!

Monday, September 23, 2019

September 22 2019

Sep 22, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths


Who dares say he hasn’t committed any offenses in his entire life? Perhaps, one may say, “Though I do commit offenses, I practice many more meritorious deeds.” Actually, if we add and subtract all of these, we find that we commit more offenses than good deeds. This is because we live in the world of turbidity, where we are born to have turbid views and afflictions.

Because of the turbidity of this world, our thoughts and behaviors are produced from deeply-rooted afflictions due to greed, anger and delusion. Thus, we cannot help but commit more offenses than good deeds. The more we review, the more we regret. In this way, our hearts become softened. We won’t be arrogant, and claim that we are practitioners accumulating merits and virtues. With our heads down we will regretfully say, “ as a foolish and evil person, apart from Amitabha-recitation in accordance with the Fundamental Vow, what other teaching can deliver me, so that I can avoid the judgement of King Yama and the suffering of the fires of hell?”




Namo Amituofo!

September 21 2019

Sep 21, 2019

A quote from Master Shandao’s “Chapter on the Preface to the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra”:

善導大師語錄 - 《觀經疏》〈序分義〉

Be true and thorough in renunciation of the sufferings in the Saha world, and in aspiration for the eternal happiness upon returning to the unconditioned realm!

However, the unconditioned realm cannot easily be accessed. Without any causal condition for renouncing the sufferings and afflictions in the Saha world, it is also difficult. So, we must set forth a resolution, as indestructible as a diamond, to terminate the origin of birth-and-death. If we do not accept and follow the compassionate Buddha (Amitabha), how can we not sigh in longing for renunciation and aspiration?


Namo Amituofo!

September 20 2019

Sep 20, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra



In the two fascicles in the Contemplation Sutra, it talks about meditative and non-meditative virtues from the beginning to the end. These are the thirteen contemplation and the Three Meritorious Deeds in nine levels. Why does Shakyamuni Buddha advise Ananda to “hold the Name” at the end, rather than contemplating the Buddha? Master Shandao explains: It is perceived that, given [Amitabha] Buddha’s Fundamental Vow.

“To be perceived” means “Shaykamuni Buddha’s reference to Amitabha Buddha”, “referring the Contemplation Sutra to the Infinite Life Sutra” and “guiding meditative and non-meditative virtues to Amitabha-recitation in the 18th Vow”. Perceiving from here to there, one will understand the original wish, original mind, original intention, and original vow of Amitabha Buddha. It urges sentient beings to always exclusively recite Amitabha’s name, not to dedicate the meditative and non-meditative virtues for rebirth. The original intent of Shakyamuni Buddha to speak the Contemplation Sutra extensively is also: It is perceived that, given Amitabha Buddha’s Fundamental Vow, the Buddha’s underlying wish is that sentient beings recite Amitabha’s name single-mindedly.



Namo Amituofo!

September 19 2019

Sep 19, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra


The entire content of the Main Chapter of the Contemplation Sutra talks about the meditative and non-meditative virtues. These two categories of virtues are related to the content of the 19th Vow. However, just as Amitabha-recitation is spoken in the Fundamental Vow, so Amitabha-recitation is said to be “the underlying wish” with respect to the meditative and non-meditative virtues. The complete sentence becomes: It is perceived that, given Amitabha Buddha’s Fundamental Vow, the Buddha’s underlying wish is that sentient beings recite Amitabha’s name single-mindedly.

The above statement explains the Chapter of Dissemination in the Contemplation Sutra. In this chapter, Shakyamuni Buddha proactively tells Ananda, “Bear these words well in mind.” To bear these words in mind means “to hold fast to the Name of the Buddha Amitayus.” “To hold fast to the Name of the Buddha Amitayus" is “holding the Name.” The text in the Sutra is explained in this way by MasterShandao.

(to be continued tomorrow)

《觀經》〈正宗分〉的整個內容都是在講「定善」和「散善」,定善、散善可以說是第十九願的內容。但是因為本願在講念佛, 所以從定善、散善來看念佛,這個叫「望佛本願」,整句就是:「望佛本願,意在眾生,一向專稱,彌陀佛名」。


Namo Amituofo!

Friday, September 20, 2019

September 18 2019

Sep 18, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect


The fundamental concept of Buddhism is reincarnation within the Six Realms, and the retributive effects of the respective causes. If a person does not believe in cause and effect in the three periods of time, he does not believe in Buddhist teachings, and have the motive to practice Buddhist teachings. Unless he recognizes and believes in reincarnation within the Six Realms, the retributive effect of the respective wholesome and unwholesome causes, during the three time periods, he will not be able to be liberated from suffering, attain happiness, and transcend from ordinary to sacred beings through cultivation. If he does not cultivate, he must fall into the Three Wretched Realms and reincarnate there. Believing in all of these concepts, he is a genuine Buddhist practitioner.


Namo Amituofo!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

September 17 2019

Sep 17, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


In the Infinite Life Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha praises Amitabha Buddha with the highest respect, and says, “ his awesome light is the foremost in nobility, beyond the reach of all other buddhas.”

The light of all buddhas in the ten directions is not comparable to Amitabha Buddha’s light. His light is the mark of his wisdom. Actually, the wisdom and compassion of all buddhas are the same, because their Dharma bodies are equal.

What makes them different are the vows and practices each of the buddhas set forth and cultivated as bodhisattvas. Because of this, their capacity and scope of deliverance of sentient beings are also different.

Amitabha’s awesome light is the foremost in nobility. This means his vows and power to deliver sentient beings is unsurpassed among all buddhas in the ten directions.




Namo Amituofo!

September 16 2019

Sep 16, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism


What is meant by Amitabha’s “inconceivable”? Where does it originate? The answer lies in the statement “if they are not reborn, I will not attain perfect Enlightenment.”

It is Amitabha’s “inconceivable” that is “able to save me.” Not only saving me from falling into hell, and liberating me from reincarnation; but, it also enables me to accomplish the Buddhist Way and deliver sentient beings comprehensively.


Namo Amituofo!

Monday, September 16, 2019

September 15 2019

Sep 15, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School:

Worldly Truths



“Becoming soft through contact with light” is a natural law. So, a person who commits offenses throughout his entire life can also be embraced by Amitabha’s light.( if he can believe in and accept Amitabha’s deliverance) It is natural to change a person from being evil to being kind.

(Strictly speaking, among iniquitous and delusive sentient beings, who hasn’t committed offenses in the past countless eons? The debts we owe others are immeasurable. So, it is not that we forgive others; but, ask others to forgive us.)


Namo Amituofo!

September 14 2019

Sep 14, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths


If a person has Amitabha’s life in his heart, he can accept the Buddha’s heart as his own heart, and accept the Buddha’s conduct as his own conduct. He enjoys practicing virtues and forgiving others. All of this is because he feels the love and caring of Amitabha. Amitabha can forgive us, so we can forgive others. Moreover, it is because of Amitabha that we attain the splendid Land of Bliss, and our karmic debts accumulated in past eons are repaid.

Though we may love, care for, and forgive others; we should never forget that we acquire that love, caring, and forgiveness from Amitabha. Once we feel the love and forgiveness of Amitabha, we simply must love and forgive others. If we can’t, we do not truly know and realize Amitabha’s love and forgiveness.

(to be continued tomorrow)

人之內心若有彌陀的生命,自能以佛心為心,以佛行為行;喜行善事,樂恕人 。因為感受到彌陀愛護我們,使我們也會愛護他人;彌陀寬恕我們,使我們也會寬恕他人;更因獲得彌陀惠賜莊嚴的極樂,蒙受彌陀償還累劫的冤債之故。


Namo Amituofo!

Friday, September 13, 2019

September 13 2019

Sep 13, 2019

A quote from Master Shandao’s “Chapter on the Meaning of Preface in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra”:


A mountain won’t dislike its height, and a sea won’t dislike its depth. A knife won’t dislike its sharpness, and the sun won’t dislike its brightness. A man won’t dislike kindness, and an offense won’t dislike being eradicated. A benevolent person won’t dislike morality, and a Buddha won’t dislike holiness.

山不厭高,海不厭深,刀不厭利,日不厭明, 人不厭善,罪不厭除,賢不厭德,佛不厭聖。

Namo Amituofo!

September 12 2019

Sep 12, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect



If a Buddhist practitioner accepts the concept of “karmic retribution due to cause and effect”, he will consider every word, every sentence in the Buddhist teachings as Shakyamuni Buddha’s blood, flesh and bone, revealing his earnest sympathy.

Every word and every sentence reminds us to leave reincarnation within the Three Domains, and proceed to the realm of emancipation. So, there are blood and tears in every word and sentence in the Buddhist teaching. It is not only a philosophy or a study.

All of the words and sentences in the three Pure Land Sutras are the blood and tears of Shakyamuni Buddha, and the flesh and bones of Amitabha Buddha. It is not a drab document in black and white. It is not dead, but lively and alive. It is a living, breathing Path!




Namo Amituofo!

September 11 2019

Sep 11, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect


Buddhism is not a philosophy or a theory, but a teaching for all people to practice. A genuine Buddhist practitioner must put Buddhist teachings into practice, and use it as a mirror to reflect upon his thinking, speech, and behavior in his daily life.

Otherwise it is impossible for him to recognize how deep his inferiority, lack of effort, and offenses are.

Moreover, if he doesn’t accept the concept of “karmic retribution due to cause and effect”, he will not adopt the Buddhist teachings as the method of being liberated from reincarnation in the cycle of birth-and-death, and elevating him from an ordinary being to a sacred being. Otherwise, he only sees the Buddhist teachings as a kind of philosophical theology.

(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

September 10 2019

Sep 10, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


Amitabha Buddha’s mind is omnipresent, covering all of space, and his light permeates everywhere in the whole universe. His mind is the mind of each sentient being, and his environment is the environment of each sentient being. Whoever, whenever, and wherever you think of the Buddha and recite his Name, Amitabha Buddha is with you instantly. Without discrimination and without difference, Buddha’s mind enters his mind, and the Buddha’s light shines on him.


Namo Amituofo!

Monday, September 9, 2019

September 9 2019

Sep 9, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism



With remorse, he wants to correct his wrongdoings by doing good and practicing Buddhist teachings; but, he cannot extend his life.

At this time, he can only be saved by Amitabha Buddha’s 18th Vow. Only with Amitabha Buddha’s “unconditional kindness and compassion” can he be rescued from his sufferings and receive true happiness.

Under this circumstance, if that person’s life can be extended, he must recite Amitabha’s Name for the remainder of his life, not just “ten times”.




Namo Amituofo!

September 8 2019

Sep 8, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism


A person with evil karma will see scenes of hell before him when he is close to death. Officers with ox heads and horse faces will stand before him. At this moment, he must be overwhelmed with deep regrets and intensely frightened, as said in the Infinite Life Sutra.

This person will regret what he did in his lifetime. He wants to rectify it; but, it is too late. He will be frightened of falling into hell and being burned by the fires of hell.

(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

September 7 2019

Sep 7, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School - Worldly Truths


In our School we pay a great deal of attention to giving thanks. The more we know about our School, the more naturally thankful we become. This includes being thankful under favorable conditions and being thankful under adverse conditions.

We thank our teachers, our lotus friends, our family, and all people around us. Without them, we are immobilized, like a machine missing a component or a part.

Whether we agree or object, under favorable or adverse conditions, these are expedient means to lead us to return to Amitabha’s Great Vow. Clearly, we should always be thankful, whether we are happy or sad, and whether we encounter favorable or adverse conditions.



Namo Amituofo!

September 6 2019

Sep 6, 2019

A quote from Master Shandao’s “Chapter on the Profound Meaning in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra”:

善導大師語錄 - 《觀經疏》〈玄義分〉:

Furthermore, when we study the meanings of the text about the meditative virtues and the text about the three tiers, all of them refer to ordinary beings in the world of the five turbidities at the time of the Buddha’s passing. They are classified into nine levels according to aptitude and capacity. This is because of the difference in the karmic circumstances they had encountered.

What does it mean? The three kinds of people in the upper tier are those who come across the Mahayana teachings. The three kinds of people in the medium tier are those who come across the Theravada teachings. The three kinds of people in the lower tier are those who come across evil circumstances. Due to their evil karma, they have to rely on the advice of a good teacher, avail themselves of the power of the Buddha’s vow, and then be reborn.

善導大師語錄 - 《觀經疏》〈玄義分〉:

又看此《觀經》定善,及三輩上下文意,總是佛去世後,五濁凡夫, 但以遇緣有異,致令九品差別。

何者?上品三人, 是遇大凡夫。中品三人,是遇小凡夫。下品三人, 是遇惡凡夫;以惡業故,臨終藉善,乘佛願力,乃得往生。

Namo Amituofo!

September 5 2019

Sep 5, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra



After speaking of meditative and non-meditative virtues, the Contemplation Sutra emphasizes the function of the Name, and the merits and virtues of Amitabha-recitation, which is the aim or objective. So, it is “flower bud formed for the sake of lotus seed” and “lotus sprouted while flower blossoms.”

“Lotus matured when flower withers” is expressed in the Chapter of Dissemination and the text of the final advice. This is so the meditative and non-meditative virtues are put aside, so as to advocate the merits and virtues of the Name. At the same time, it also explains that this Name is the main or proper cause of rebirth.



Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

September 4 2019

Sep 4, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra



The Threefold Analogy of the Lotus Flower is the analogy of the blossoming process of the lotus flower - “flower bud formed for the sake of lotus seed”, “lotus sprouted while flower blossoms”, and “lotus matured when flower withers.” This analogy is used to express “the expedient teaching built (or formed) for the sake of the real teaching”, “the expedient teaching revealed while the real teaching appears”, and “the real teaching established when the expedient teachings are abandoned”.

The Contemplation Sutra is also unfolded in this manner. That is to say, because of the revelation of the Name being the main or proper cause of rebirth, the Sutra talks about the meditative and non-meditative virtues first, so these virtues are shown to be expedient means, rather than the aim of the Sutra.

(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!

September 3 2019

Sep 3, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra


Generally, there are three parts in the Contemplation Sutra: meditative virtues, non-meditative virtues, and Amitabha-recitation. However, in the Dissemination Chapter at the end, especially in the Text on Advice, it tells us to renounce meditative and non-meditative virtues, and return to Amitabha-recitation.

That is to say, put aside the meditative and non-meditative virtues, and advocate the exclusive practice of Amitabha-recitation. At the same time, Shakyamuni Buddha also urges Pure Land practitioners to earnestly and exclusively recite Amitaha’s name. He says, “Bear these words well in mind. To bear these words in mind means to hold fast to the Name of Amitabha Buddha.”

So, there is a meaning of “renouncing and advocating” in the Contemplation Sutra, which also means “from unreal to real” (the threefold meaning of “building, revealing, and renouncing”) It is just like the Threefold Analogy of the Lotus Flower in the Tientai School, explaining the relationship between the two teachings of “origin” and “tracking”, and the two teachings of “real” and “expedient” in the Lotus Sutra.

(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

September 2 2019

Sep 2, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect



A thought seems to be formless and shapeless. It cannot be visualized, heard, or touched. However, it has a form. At the moment a thought forms, it can emit a kind of formless power, travelling around the universe at a speed faster than light, and returning to the body and mind of oneself. Thus, any thought in our mind incurs its cause and effect.

Moreover, though a thought in our mind cannot be seen and heard, it is the source of volition in speech and action. A kind of thought kept in our mind for a period of time will be expressed in any form or formlessly through speech, or even actions.



Namo Amituofo!

September 1 2019

Sep 1, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect


A practitioner must have a foundation upon which to commence practicing. In Buddhism this is the deep belief in cause and effect. If we have a strong sense of cause and effect, we must review and care about our threefold karma from time to time, and decide whether the karma violates the law of cause and effect.

Do we see good rewards for good deeds and bad retribution for bad deeds? Are we receiving the effects resulting from the causes we have made? All existences, even tiny matters, result from cause and effect. This principle won’t deviate a bit, as its accuracy is even more precise than that of a computer.

(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!

August 31 2019

Aug 31, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


The three aspects of Amitabha’s Pure Land teachings are: Amitabha’s Pure Land, Amitabha himself and his deliverance of sentient beings. All are within Amitabha Buddha’s 48 vows, which were accomplished 10 eons ago, perfectly and completely. Because of this, Amitabha Buddha is a Buddha that can deliver all sentient beings of the ten directions.

彌陀的淨土、彌陀的本身,以及眾生的救度這三項內容,都在阿彌陀佛的四十八願當中。阿彌陀佛的四十八願早在十劫之前就已經完成了,就已圓滿無缺了, 因此阿彌陀佛祂也成了能夠救度十方眾生的佛。

Namo Amituofo!