Aug 31, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha
The three aspects of Amitabha’s Pure Land teachings are: Amitabha’s Pure Land, Amitabha himself and his deliverance of sentient beings. All are within Amitabha Buddha’s 48 vows, which were accomplished 10 eons ago, perfectly and completely. Because of this, Amitabha Buddha is a Buddha that can deliver all sentient beings of the ten directions.
彌陀的淨土、彌陀的本身,以及眾生的救度這三項內容,都在阿彌陀佛的四十八願當中。阿彌陀佛的四十八願早在十劫之前就已經完成了,就已圓滿無缺了, 因此阿彌陀佛祂也成了能夠救度十方眾生的佛。
Namo Amituofo!