Monday, September 23, 2019

September 19 2019

Sep 19, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra


The entire content of the Main Chapter of the Contemplation Sutra talks about the meditative and non-meditative virtues. These two categories of virtues are related to the content of the 19th Vow. However, just as Amitabha-recitation is spoken in the Fundamental Vow, so Amitabha-recitation is said to be “the underlying wish” with respect to the meditative and non-meditative virtues. The complete sentence becomes: It is perceived that, given Amitabha Buddha’s Fundamental Vow, the Buddha’s underlying wish is that sentient beings recite Amitabha’s name single-mindedly.

The above statement explains the Chapter of Dissemination in the Contemplation Sutra. In this chapter, Shakyamuni Buddha proactively tells Ananda, “Bear these words well in mind.” To bear these words in mind means “to hold fast to the Name of the Buddha Amitayus.” “To hold fast to the Name of the Buddha Amitayus" is “holding the Name.” The text in the Sutra is explained in this way by MasterShandao.

(to be continued tomorrow)

《觀經》〈正宗分〉的整個內容都是在講「定善」和「散善」,定善、散善可以說是第十九願的內容。但是因為本願在講念佛, 所以從定善、散善來看念佛,這個叫「望佛本願」,整句就是:「望佛本願,意在眾生,一向專稱,彌陀佛名」。


Namo Amituofo!