Sep 6, 2019
A quote from Master Shandao’s “Chapter on the Profound Meaning in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra”:
善導大師語錄 - 《觀經疏》〈玄義分〉:
Furthermore, when we study the meanings of the text about the meditative virtues and the text about the three tiers, all of them refer to ordinary beings in the world of the five turbidities at the time of the Buddha’s passing. They are classified into nine levels according to aptitude and capacity. This is because of the difference in the karmic circumstances they had encountered.
What does it mean? The three kinds of people in the upper tier are those who come across the Mahayana teachings. The three kinds of people in the medium tier are those who come across the Theravada teachings. The three kinds of people in the lower tier are those who come across evil circumstances. Due to their evil karma, they have to rely on the advice of a good teacher, avail themselves of the power of the Buddha’s vow, and then be reborn.
善導大師語錄 - 《觀經疏》〈玄義分〉:
又看此《觀經》定善,及三輩上下文意,總是佛去世後,五濁凡夫, 但以遇緣有異,致令九品差別。
何者?上品三人, 是遇大凡夫。中品三人,是遇小凡夫。下品三人, 是遇惡凡夫;以惡業故,臨終藉善,乘佛願力,乃得往生。
Namo Amituofo!