Friday, October 18, 2019

October 16 2019

Oct 16, 2019

A quote from the Chapter on the Meditative Virtues from Master Shandao’s Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra


If those who believe and accept the Pure Land teaching, renounce the body that suffers endless rebirth in the Saha Land (such as the Eight Sufferings, the Five Sufferings and the suffering of the Three Wicked Realms) and they practice it immediately , one should explain it further. Use all means with full strength, without hesitation, even sacrificing one’s life. If there is one person that can renounce suffering and escape from the endless cycle of rebirth, it is called ‘genuine gratitude to the Buddha’. Why?

All Buddhas appear in the world to advise and deliver sentient beings, through various kinds of expedient means. They do not intend to ask them to refrain from doing evil and to cultivate worldly blessings, so as to enjoy human and heavenly happiness. Human and heavenly joys are just like lightning. They have to be renounced in a short while. Hence, they have to return to the Three Wretched Realms and suffer again for a long period of time.

Because of these causal conditions, the Buddhas advise them and urge them to aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land, and look forward to unsurpassed Enlightenment / Bodhi. That is the reason why I take this opportunity to urge you to vow to be reborn in the Pure Land. This is known as the original intent of all Buddhas.

For those who do not become excited, believe, and practice [upon hearing the teachings], it is said in the Sutra of Pure Enlightenment: “ Those who hear the Pure Land teachings yet seem not to hear, and those who read the Pure Land teachings yet seem not to read, we should know, they must have come from the Three Wretched Realms. Their heavy karmic obscuration have not cleared; so, they have no inclination to believe at present. The Buddha says: such a person cannot yet attain liberation.”

This sutra also says: “If a person hears of the Pure Land teaching and feels a mixture of regret and delight, and he is so electrified that his hair stands on end, he must have heard and practiced this teaching in his past lives. Now, he hears it again in this life and rejoices in it. If he practices with ‘right mindfulness / Amitabha-mindfulness,” he will certainly be reborn in the Land of Bliss.

欲得捨此娑婆生死之身,八苦、五苦、三惡道苦等,聞即信行者, 不惜身命,急為說之。若得一人捨苦出生死者,是名真報佛恩。何以故?

諸佛出世,種種方便勸化眾生者,不欲直令制惡修福,受人天樂也。人天之樂,猶如電光,須臾即捨, 還入三惡,長時受苦。 為此因緣,但勸即令求生淨土,向無上菩提。 是故今時有緣相勸,誓生淨土者,即稱諸佛本願意也。

若有人聞說淨土法門,聞如不聞,見如不見;當知此等,始從三惡道來,罪障未盡,為此無信向耳。佛言: 我說此人未可得解脫也。


Namo Amituofo!