Oct 21, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect
The closer we come to the Dharma Ending Age, morality in the world declines more quickly. When people become more greedy, angry and deluded, there are more frequent incidents of killing, robbing, raping, and cheating. The fundamental cause of of these immoral acts is ignorance of the karmic retribution of cause and effect.
If we know a bit about the karmic retribution of cause and effect, we can be sincere and scrupulous in our relationships and all we think and do. We will not forget the law of cause and effect when we deal with matters and people. If our minds are pristine and accommodating, our homeland will eventually be at peace and joyful.
倘使稍知因果報應,則舉心動念,便能閑邪存誠;行事為人,不敢違背因果; 人心因之純厚,家國終致安樂。
Namo Amituofo!