Oct 4, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings on Taking Refuge in Amitabha
Amitabha is a Buddha who embraces without forsaking. In the Contemplation Sutra, it says, “His light shines universally upon the lands of the ten quarters, embracing, and not forsaking, those who are mindful of the Buddha.” Whether a person is kind or evil, wise or foolish, Amitabha Buddha’s light shines on him, protects him, waits for him, and receives him, as long as he recites his Name.
Amitabha is a Buddha who comes to welcome us near the end-of-life. In the Amitabha Sutra, it says, “When that person approaches the point of death, Amitabha Buddha and the sacred assembly will appear before him.” Regardless of the magnitude of his blessings, or the proficiency of his practices, all those who exclusively hold fast to his Name will be naturally welcomed by Amitabha Buddha and the sacred assembly. He will be received to be instantly reborn in Amitabha’s reward land.
(to be continued)
阿彌陀佛是臨終來迎的佛。《阿彌陀經》說:「其人臨命終時,阿彌陀佛與諸聖眾,現在其前。」凡是專一不二執持名號的人,不管他罪福多少、功行高低 ,臨終佛與聖眾自然來迎,即時往生彌陀報土。
Namo Amituofo!