Wednesday, November 20, 2019

November 18 2019

Nov 18, 2019

 An excerpt from the Chapter on the Meditative Virtues from the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra by Master Shandao



There are three meanings for Dharma Realm: 1. Mind being omnipresent, 2. Body being omnipresent, 3. He being unobstructed. As mind is there, the body will also appear. The body comes with the mind; so, it is known as the Body of the Dharma Realm.

“Dharma Realm” is a realm that is manifested - a realm of sentient beings. “Body” is the body that can manifest – the body of all buddhas.

“To enter into the invoking mind of each sentient being” means that, whenever sentient beings invoke and wish to see the Buddha, the Buddha knows, and through his unimpeded wisdom, he immediately appears in their minds.

 言「法界」者,有三義: 一者心遍故,解法界。 二者身遍故,解法界。 三者無障礙故,解法界。正由心到故,身亦隨到,身隨於心故,言「是法界身」也。



Namo Amituofo!