Sunday, November 3, 2019

November 2 2019

Nov 2, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


An Amitabha-reciter has an intimate relationship with Amitabha Buddha. They are always accompanied by Amitabha Buddha in all that they do. Actually, the Buddha is always directly in front of sentient beings of the ten directions, just like wireless waves that exist everywhere in space. If we do not turn on the television, there is no image in the monitor”.  Because our eyes are blocked by afflictions we cannot see; yet, the light of the Buddha’s great compassion always shines on us.”

It is only because of the difference between individual causal conditions that some people are capable of seeing and some are not.

念佛者跟阿彌陀佛,是既親又近、既近又親的。可以說, 時時刻刻都與佛同在,與佛同出入,與佛同起臥。其實,佛本來時時刻刻都在十方眾生的面前,就


Namo Amituofo!