Tuesday, December 31, 2019

December 31 2019

Dec 31, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism


Pure Land is a “difficult-to-believe” teaching. It is difficult to believe, not because of its profound meaning, but quite the opposite, because of its easiness and splendor. It is so difficult-to-believe that we can’t believe our eyes and are at a loss for words.


Namo Amituofo!

Monday, December 30, 2019

December 30 2019

Dec 30, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths


The education we receive, the scriptures we read, and the teachings we hear reside in the shallow layer within the scope of the Sixth Consciousness. These include: matter, sound, smell, taste, touch, dharma, eye, ear, nose, tongue, skin and brain.

So, when we read and ponder the meaning of a scripture, extract quotations, or prepare to make a speech on the stage, all are included within the scope of knowledge. Any corrections can only change the structure of knowledge, or slightly change our appearance and spirit. However, it won’t change our karmic retribution and character at a deep level.


Namo Amituofo!

December 29 2019

Dec 29, 2019

An excerpt from the Chapter on the Meaning of the Non-meditative Virtues in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra



Moreover, those dedicating merits and aspiring to rebirth must be decisive and genuine, and fully believe they can attain assured rebirth.

One’s deep faith should be like a diamond: unable to be moved, confused, or destroyed by persons who have different views, different teachings, other interpretations, or other practices. One must be single-minded and determined in taking refuge and moving forward. One should not take alternative paths or fall back upon hearing others’ words. One should not be frightened or lose strength, turn back or abandon the path, as he will immediately lose the great benefit of rebirth.



唯是決定一心,投正直進;不得聞彼人語,即有進退, 心生怯弱,迴顧落道, 即失往生之大益也。

Namo Amituofo!

December 28 2019

Dec 28, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra


In the passage on “rebirth for those in the lowest level in the low tier” [in the Contemplation Sutra], faith and aspiration are not mentioned. Only the practice of name-recitation is mentioned. Regarding mind, “sincere mind” is mentioned, and followed with “continuous recitation”. This implies that “sincere mind” means “continuous recitation”. There is nothing mysterious or particularly deep in its meaning.

From this point of view, the passage on “rebirth for those in the lowest level in the low tier” reveals “sincerely and joyfully entrust” and “aspire to be reborn” from the 18th Vow. Thus, faith and aspiration return to the practice of exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name - “even ten times”.



Namo Amituofo!

December 27 2019

Dec 27, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect


Wholesome and unwholesome retribution, resulting from our good and evil karma, is rooted in our minds. It is because of our minds that we perform good and evil karma through our bodies and speech. These will then result in our wholesome and unwholesome retribution.


Namo Amituofo!

December 26 2019

Dec 26, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


“Amitabha Buddha became a Buddha ten eons ago.” Amitabha’s existence would be meaningless if he does not want to deliver sentient beings, or if he cannot deliver sentient beings.”


Namo Amituofo!

December 25 2019

Dec 25, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism


Why is the Pure Land teaching easy-to-practice? Because recitation is simple and easy. That is why it is called “easy-to-practice”.

Why is it difficult-to-believe? Any sentient being is assured of attaining rebirth in the Land of Bliss by mere Amitabha-recitation. Thereafter, he will not reincarnate any more, and expedite his achievement of Buddhahood. The method is extremely easy; but, the reward in merits and virtues is extremely large. As it is not logical in proportion, it does not make any sense to people and they may be doubtful.

Therefore, it is called “difficult-to-believe”. In order to arouse sentient beings’ unsurpassed faith, when Shakyamuni Buddha expounded “assured rebirth in the Land of Bliss through Amitabha-recitation”, all buddhas in the six directions pro-actively, joyfully, and unanimously came and affirmed that what the Buddha said is true. They did that in order to urge and persuade sentient beings to believe in assured rebirth through Amitabha-recitation”.

Though it is difficult-to-believe, it is easy-to-practice. Wise people should know how to deal with belief and doubt. That sentient beings are assured of birth through Amitabha-recitation is evidenced in fact, as well as in principle, in the passage on “rebirth for those in the lowest level in the low tier” [in the Contemplation Sutra].

淨土法門何以「易行」?只要念佛, 簡單容易,故名易行。何以「難信」?任何眾生, 只要念佛,必生極樂,既永不再輪迴, 且速證涅槃; 方法極易,功德極高,似乎不合凡情之比例原則,不免令人起疑,故言「難信」。

為了發起眾生無上信心,當釋尊在《阿彌陀經》開示「念佛必生極樂」之時, 立即六方諸佛主動地、歡喜地、異口同聲地為釋尊證明,所說不虛,藉茲勸眾生生信,念佛必生。


Namo Amituofo!

December 24 2019

Dec 24, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths


The teaching should be received into the bottom of our hearts in accordance with the aptitudes of different individuals. However, we must nourish ourselves with extensive study through listening, then they will naturally and gradually enter deeply into our Alaya Consciousness. So, nourishing ourselves with extensive study through listening is emphasized in Buddhism.

Confucius also says, “Always practice learning”, “Receiving new knowledge through revision”, “Though a person can do it in one trial, he shouldn’t mind doing it after a hundred trials; though a person can do it by 10 trials, he shouldn’t mind doing it after a thousand trials.” Just study again and again. Continue repeatedly for a long period of time. In that way we can understand it thoroughly in one day.




Namo Amituofo!

December 23 2019

Dec 23, 2019

A paragraph from the Chapter on the Meaning of the Non-meditative Virtues from the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra



Deeply believe the Buddha’s words alone, and follow his teachings. Don’t believe and follow any non-matching bodhisattva teachings that may hinder us with doubts, lead us into a maze of confusion, and cause us to lose the great benefit of attaining rebirth.

Further, the deep trust that is associated with the deep mind is to decidedly perform practices in accord with the Buddha’s teaching. It means to cast out doubt and error forever, and to never be disturbed, discouraged or dissuaded by those of different understanding, different practice, distant teachings, distant views, or distant disciplines.

唯可深信佛語,專注奉行;不可信用菩薩等不相應教,以為疑礙, 抱惑自迷, 廢失往生之大益也。

又深心深信者,決定建立自心,順教修行,永除疑錯;不為一切別 解、別行、異學、異見、異執之所退失傾動也。

Namo Amituofo!

December 22 2019

Dec 22, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra


Why is Amitabha-recitation explained in the passage on rebirth for those in the low tier, and not for those in high tier? It is because those in the low tier are extremely evil. They cannot be delivered by the merits and virtues of practicing filial love to parents and mundane kindness and compassion (like those at the lowest level in the middle tier.) They cannot be delivered by the merit and virtues of practicing the Eight and Fasting Precepts, Sramanera Precepts, and Bhikshu Precepts for one day and one night, (like those at the middle level in the middle tier). They cannot be delivered by the merit and virtues of practicing the Bhikshu Precepts for their whole lives. (like those at the highest level in middle tier.)

They cannot be delivered by the merit and virtues of setting forth the Bodhi Mind, (like those at the lowest level in high tier). They cannot be delivered by the merit and virtues of understanding the Foremost Truth,( like those at the middle level in the high tier.) They cannot be delivered by the merit and virtues of reciting and practicing the sutras,( like those at the highest level in the high tier). Only the merit and virtues that transcend those in the high tier and middle tier can deliver extremely evil sentient beings, This is why it is necessary to speak of the merit and virtues of Amitabha-recitation in the low tier.

There is no other way that can deliver the extremely evil person, except Amitabha-recitation. This indicates that the teaching of Amitabha-recitation is easy-to-practice; but, splendid in rewards. It is the foremost, the unsurpassed, the noblest, and most respected. Thus, no other teaching is comparable.




Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

December 21 2019

Dec 21, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect


A Gatha about cause and effect - Even though hundreds and thousands of eons have elapsed, the karma created is not eliminated. Once it encounters the appropriate causal conditions, one must eventually bear the karmic retribution.

This means that the wholesome and unwholesome wave frequencies emitted from our behavior (in body, mouth and mind) will not vanish. When they come across the necessary causal conditions, the effect will be produced. The question is, when will it come? This is uncertain. In this way the karmic retribution of cause and effect goes through the three periods of time - past, present and future.



Namo Amituofo!

December 20 2019

Dec 20, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


Amitabha Buddha has existed for ten kalpas (eons), What is his existence for? For delivering sentient beings! It is the resolution of Amitabha Buddha to deliver sentient beings. It is the career of Amitabha Buddha to deliver sentient beings. It is the joy of Amitabha Buddha to deliver sentient beings. It is the wholeness of Amitabha Buddha’s life to deliver sentient beings.


Namo Amituofo!

December 19 2019

Dec 19, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism


Regarding the teachings of Amitabha Buddha’s deliverance and the splendor of the Land of Bliss, these are difficult-to-believe teachings, and difficult-to-speak teachings as well. We iniquitous ordinary beings with heavy karmic obstructions, do not have the wisdom and blessings to recognize and accept this teaching.

Thus, Amitabha Buddha considered this point in advance, prior to formulating the 48 vows for us. Among the 48 vows he made the 17th Vow – “If, when I attain Buddhahood, innumerable buddhas in the lands of the ten quarters should not all praise and glorify my Name, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.“

Before delivering sentient beings in the ten directions with the 18th Vow, Amitabha Buddha must urge all buddhas in the ten directions, as many as the sands of the River Ganges, to propagate his teaching of deliverance, and guide sentient beings to deeply believe, aspire to birth in the Pure Land, and exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name.




Namo Amituofo!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

December 18 2019

Dec 18, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths


The Alaya Consciousness is like a field on a farm, and our thoughts are like seeds falling on the field. Once seeds fall on a field, they will germinate, then flowers and fruit follow.

Beginning in our past lives, our Alaya Consciousness has become filled with greed, hatred, delusion, false and miscellaneous thoughts. If we recite the Buddha’s and patriarchs’ words, we can replace the old thoughts with new ones. In this way, the Buddha’s and patriarchs’ words become our lives. Thus, our perceptions, speech, and actions become full of the connotation and temperament of the Buddha’s and the patriarchs’ words.

阿賴耶識就像一片田地,起心動念就像在田地當中落了種子,種子一旦落下田地,時間一到就會發芽,乃至開花結果。宿世以來, 我們阿賴耶識所含藏的,不是貪瞋癡就是妄想雜念,如果把佛言祖語背誦在裡面,汰舊換新,這樣佛言祖語就會成為我們的生命,思惟、言語、舉止就會充滿佛言祖語所講的那種內涵與氣質。

Namo Amituofo!

December 17 2019

Dec 17, 2019

An excerpt from the Chapter on the Meaning of the Non-meditative Virtues in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra



Further, it is to believe deeply and decidedly that Shakyamuni Buddha leads people to aspire for the Pure Land, by teaching in the Contemplation Sutra, the Three Meritorious Deeds (three types of meritorious conduct), the nine levels of beings, and the two kinds of virtues - meditative and non-meditative. He also accomplishes this by verifying and praising Amitabha's two kinds of fulfillment - direct reward and circumstantial reward, which arouse our admiration and aspiration.

Further, it is to believe deeply and decidedly that various buddhas of the ten directions, as many as the sands of the Ganges, verify and urge all sentient beings to resolve the issue of rebirth.

Further, I would sincerely hope that all [Pure Land] practitioners can believe in a single-minded manner, the Buddha’s words alone, and firmly resolve to rely on this practice, even at the cost of their bodily lives: to act upon it immediately, to cast aside what the Buddha directs us to cast aside, and practice what the Buddha teaches us to practice. These are known as the Buddha’s teachings, following the Buddha’s intention, and following the Buddha’s vow. It is also known as being a true disciple of the Buddha.



又深信者,仰願一切行者等,一心唯信佛語,不顧身命,決定依行。 佛遣捨者即捨,佛遣行者即行,佛遣去處即去。 是名隨順佛教,隨順佛意,是名隨順佛願,是名真佛弟子。

Namo Amituofo!

December 16 2019

Dec 16, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra



Among the passages in the Contemplation Sutra, though Amitabha-recitation is not mentioned in the high tier and in the middle tier, this doesn’t mean that Amitabha-recitation is not an appropriate practice for them. Why?

In the second fascicle of the Infinite Life Sutra, Amitabha-recitation is mentioned for rebirth for those in the high tier, rebirth for the middle tier, and rebirth for the low tier. The three tiers in the Great Sutra and the nine levels in the Contemplation Sutra are more or less the same in content. As Amitabha-recitation is mentioned in all three tiers in the Great Sutra, it is understood that Amitabha-recitation is appropriate for those in the high tier and middle tier in the Contemplation Sutra.

Thus, it is concluded that Amitabha-recitation is recommended for all nine levels.



Namo Amituofo!

December 15 2019

Dec 15, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra


What kinds of sentient beings belong in the low tier? It refers to those who commit all evil offenses without any virtuous karma. The other two tiers, the high and the middle, are those with more virtuous karma and less evil karma. For example, those at the lowest level of the middle tier and those at the middle level in the middle tier dedicate their mundane virtues, and the Buddhist virtues, respectively for rebirth.

However, those in the low tier have only evil karma, it is impossible for them to dedicate any merit and virtue through their self-powered practices for rebirth. Therefore, they must rely on Amitabha-recitation at the end, in order to acquire Amitabha’s deliverance, to be exempted from jeopardy in hell, to leave the Three Domains and the Six Realms, and even to be reborn to achieve Buddhahood. This is also the reason Amitabha-recitation is mentioned in the lowest three levels among the nine levels of rebirth.

(to be continued)


可是「下品」根機是純粹惡,不可能、也沒有能力靠自己任何修行功德來迴向,最後才靠「念佛」來獲得彌陀的救度,不但免除地獄之難,而且脫離三界、六道,甚至往生成佛。因為這樣, 所以「念佛」才在九品的下三品才談。

Namo Amituofo!

December 14 2019

Dec 14, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect


As a Buddhist, we should be cautious in giving and receiving. Do not take them for granted, because all matters, great or small, involve cause and effect. In matters concerning dutiful power and benefits, we should not override or violate them, in order to avoid stealing.


Namo Amituofo!

December 13 2019

Dec 13, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


Whoever you are, as long as you have faith in Amitabha’s deliverance, this kind of faith is called “unsurpassed faith”. To receive Amitabha’s deliverance, we must believe and accept. We cannot disbelieve because, apart from Amitabha’s deliverance, we have no alternative. You can disbelieve all other teachings; but, you must believe in Amitabha’s deliverance.

Those who believe attain rebirth, and those who disbelieve do not. Those who believe are liberated immediately, and those who disbelieve will reincarnate. So, it is said that, Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land is the final settlement for all practitioners, or even all sentient beings.



Namo Amituofo!

December 12 2019

Dec 12, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism


To explain the six-character Great Name, Master Shandao says the following - “Namo” means to take refuge, as well as to dedicate merit towards rebirth in the Pure Land. Reciting “Amitabha Buddha” is the practice. Because the Name contains all of these qualities is why rebirth is assured.”

“Namo” means taking refuge. Simply speaking, we surrender our lives, bodies, and minds entirely, with no reservations. Thus,“Namo” is taking refuge, as well as to dedicate merit towards rebirth. The purpose of taking refuge is aspiring to be reborn in the Land of Bliss, and relying on Amitabha’s deliverance totally, without any reservations.

“Amitabha Buddha” means “all of his merits and virtues are attained by the one who takes refuge, for rebirth in the Pure Land and for achieving Buddhahood, are within this four-character Name.” As long as we exclusively recite this Name, we possess all, so Master Shandao says, “Because of these meanings rebirth is assured.”




Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

December 11 2019

Dec 11, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths


It is said, “the meaning will be naturally revealed if we read the book a hundred times”. The meanings of the book will naturally brighten our minds. To say a hundred times doesn’t mean a hundred times exactly, it means to read more. We can understand more if we read more.

When I studied in a private school, the teacher seldom explained; but, asked us to memorize passages in the books. Though I didn’t understand the meanings of them at that time, I understood naturally the entire meanings of what I memorized through the experiences in my daily life.



Namo Amituofo!

December 10 2019

Dec 10, 2019



An excerpt from the Chapter on the Meaning of the Non-meditative Virtues in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra

The Contemplation Sutra says, “Firstly, the Sincere Mind.” ‘Sincere’ means true and real, so it is ‘genuine.’ It explains that all sentient beings who interpret and practice the teachings on cultivation of the bodily, verbal, and mental acts (karma) must perform them with the genuine mind.

The practitioner should not outwardly appear diligent, benevolent, and kind while bearing a mind of: deceit, hypocrisy, greed, hatred, evil views, false thoughts, or of hundreds of cunning tricks, and fraudulent ideas. Because it is so difficult to change these wicked inherent qualities, all of his acts are the same as those done by serpents and scorpions.

Though he commences to practice in the threefold karma, his actions are called ‘virtues mixed with poisons’, ‘untrue and unreal practices’ and cannot be called ‘real karma.’

Even if we settle ourselves and commence our practice earnestly and diligently, endeavoring with body and mind, striving without a moment’s rest, as if our very heads had caught fire, all of this would still be called ‘virtue mixed with poison.’ If we wish to dedicate such practices to be reborn in the Pure Land of the Buddha, we could never accomplish it.

When Amitabha Buddha cultivated the bodhisattva practices of the threefold karma in his causal ground, he always, in every single instant, performed them with a genuine mind. Thus, all of the merits and virtues that he cultivated for sentient beings [benefitting others], and his pursuit of perfect Enlightenment [self-benefitting], are real.

《經》云:「一者、至誠心」。「至」者真,「誠」者實。 欲明一切眾生,身口意業,所修解行,必須真實心中作。

不得外現賢善精進之相,內懷虛假。貪瞋邪偽,奸詐百端,惡性難 侵,事同蛇蝎。雖起三業,名為雜毒之善,亦名虛假之行,不名真實業也。

若作如此安心起行者,縱使苦勵身心,日夜十二時,急走急作,如 炙頭燃者,眾名雜毒之善。欲迴此雜毒之行,求生彼佛淨土者,此必不可也。

何以故?正由彼阿彌陀佛,因中行菩薩行時,乃至一念 一剎那,三業所修,皆是真實心中作;凡所施為趣求,亦皆真實。

Namo Amituofo!

December 9 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra



The fourth place is “In this way, he sincerely and continuously says 'Homage to Amitayus Buddha' [Na-mo-o-mi-t'o-fo] as few as ten times ”;

The fifth place is “Because he calls the Buddha's Name, with each repetition, the evil karma which he has committed during eighty kotis of kalpas in Samsara is extinguished.”

Here, the word “nian” as stated in “ten times in sufficiency”, and the two words “nian” as stated in “with each repetition” is not considered to be mental karma, but oral karma – recite Namo Amituofo by mouth. It is not mental karma, such as perceiving or recollecting. So, the first three “nian”, in the first three places, have different meanings from the last three in the other two places, though the words are the same.




Namo Amituofo!

December 8 2019

Dec 8, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra


In the passage on rebirth for those at the lowest level of the low tier, the word “nian” (to think of and mentally invoke) appears six times in five different places. Some of them are crucial. They are the following:

The first place is “to tell him the wonderful Dharma and teach him to think of Amitabha Buddha”;

The second place is “as he is tormented by pain, he cannot invoke a thought of Amitabha Buddha even for a short time”;

The third place is “If he cannot concentrate on Amitabha Buddha, then he should say Amitayus Buddha.”

“Nian” is a kind of mental karma in the three cases above. This means to mentally perceive Amitabha Buddha’s merit and virtues, through remembering the Name of Amitabha Buddha.







Namo Amituofo!

December 7 2019

Dec 7, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect


Karmic retribution is a matter of fact. It is also proof that the principle of cause and effect exists. So, we must evaluate and review our thoughts and our threefold karma, as to whether they are good or evil. Between good and evil karma, which one is more?

既然有報應的事實,就表示所謂因果報應這個道理是真的存在的,我們就要檢討自己的起心動念、三業行為是善?是惡?惡跟善之間, 是哪一樣多?

Namo Amituofo!

December 6 2019

Dec 6, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


Amitabha-recitation is naturally uninterrupted and we will naturally recite Amitabha’s Name with joy, once we realize Amitabha’s deliverance. As we treat Amitabha-recitation as the most important thing in our lives, our interests and habits will change, as we prefer to recite and hear the Buddha’s Name, and have no interest in other things thereafter. In realizing the joy of Amitabha’s deliverance, we should not be annoyed about failing to achieve any goal, otherwise it would be contrary to our realization.


Namo Amituofo!

December 5 2019

Dec 5, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism


What is the main cause and the main karmic practice, and where can any sentient being attain the necessary credentials for rebirth in the Land of Bliss? All are within the six-syllable name – Namo Amituofo, This Name is perfect and complete, all-sufficient, and transcendental. That is to say, all merits and virtues of the 84,000 teachings are perfectly and completely included in Amitabha’s Name, which sufficiently possesses, and also transcends the merits and virtues of the 84,000 teachings.

For rebirth in the Land of Bliss, the main cause and the main karmic practice, to accumulate the necessary merits and virtues, is Amitabha”s Name. With respect to those attaining rebirth, those achieving Buddhahood, the merits and virtues of Amitabha’s Name are not lacking in any way. Nothing is missing. It is perfect complete, and all-encompassing. So, this Name “Namo Amituofo” is regarded as “the great Name of myriad virtues”.



Namo Amituofo!

December 4 2019

Dec 4, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School:

Worldly Truths


We should memorize and ponder the scriptures and the short teachings deeply. They can sprout and blossom in the fields of our Eightfold Consciousness, and we can harvest the fruits. That means, they can ferment in our mind field, and clear our karmic obstructions, awaken our wisdom, inspire our mind of enlightenment, and strengthen our faith.

So, it is important to always diligently memorize and recite the scriptures, and the mottos of the ancient sages, so that they can purify our mind-nature.



Namo Amituofo!

December 3 2019

Dec 3, 2019

A quote from Master Shandao - from the Chapter on the Meditative Virtues in his Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra



There are two kinds of “fulfillment of a wish”: one is to fulfill the wish of sentient beings – following one’s own thought, all of them should be delivered; the other is to fulfill Amitabha’s wish – illuminating perfectly, with his Fivefold Eyes and Six Paranormal Powers, so as to observe all those who can be delivered. Within Amitabha’s one thought are his body and mind. They can deliver all sentient beings equally and at the same time, so that they can receive different benefits with the Threefold Enlightenment.

言「如意」者有二種: 一者如眾生意,隨彼心念,皆應度之。 二者如彌陀之意,五眼圓照,六通自在,觀機可度者,一念之中, 無前無後,身心等赴,三輪開悟,各益不同也。

Namo Amituofo!

December 2 2019

Dec 2, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra



So, Master Shandao says, “It is understood that, given Amitabha Buddha’s Fundamental Vow, Shakyamuni’s intention is that sentient beings should always recite the name of Amitabha Buddha exclusively”. Though the Buddha speaks of the sixteen kinds of contemplations and about the teachings of meditative and non-meditative virtues, Amitabha Buddha’s wish is for sentient beings to always exclusively recite his Name.

Always exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name! It is the fundamental wish of Amitabha Buddha. Departing from the roots; branches, trunks, leaves and flowers wither. Having roots, a tree can grow. The roots are the source of all developments and accomplishments.



Namo Amituofo!

Monday, December 2, 2019

December 1 2019

Dec 1, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra



Then, how does Master Shandao explain it? Master Shandao says, “Though Shakyamuni Buddha has spoken of the benefit of attaining rebirth by practicing the meditative and non-meditative virtues, it is understood that, given Amitabha Buddha’s Fundamental Vow, Shakyamuni’s intention is that sentient beings should always recite the name of Amitabha Buddha exclusively.” It is a short sentence; but, it’s meaning is very clear.

Shakyamuni Buddha has spoken of the benefit of attaining rebirth by practicing the meditative and non-meditative virtues. These include sixteen contemplations: including the first thirteen contemplations of the meditative virtues, and the Three Meritorious Deeds in nine levels, which are known as “meditative and non-meditative”. These two teachings, as said before, can benefit us if we practice them and dedicate them for our attainment of rebirth.

However, Amitabha Buddha’s original intent is more beneficial, as it reveals the Absolute benefit lying within “always exclusively reciting Amitabha’s Name,” not within the two teachings of meditative and non-meditative virtues.

(to be continued)




Namo Amituofo!

November 30 2019

Nov 30, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra


Master Shandao was the incarnation of Amitabha Buddha. Therefore, the words spoken by Master Shandao are like those of the Buddha. Because of this, he is the most respected patriarch to interpret the Contemplation Sutra.

His Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra is considered to be the noblest, on the same level as the sutras spoken by Shakyamuni Buddha. Thus, it cannot be altered or amended, even by adding or deleting one word or phrase.

That is to say, the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra written by Master Shandao, is the benchmark for the interpretation of the Contemplation Sutra. Any interpretation of the Contemplation Sutra cannot be opposite or inconsistent with the Commentary written by Master Shandao. Master Shandao speaks as such, we understand it as such, and practice accordingly.

(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!

November 29 2019

Nov 29, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect


If a person follows the Buddha’s teachings and accumulates virtues and great good karma, he generally anticipates going to a good place, such as heaven. Thus, the realm of heaven appears in his mind. If he is an evil person, he will see the phenomena of hells first, before his last breath.

If an Amitabha-reciter wishes to be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land, and exclusively recites Amitabha’s Name, he will generally see the splendid scenes of the Land of Bliss, such as: lotus flowers, golden ponds, and pagodas before his last breath. It is a natural manifestation of his karmic reward.



Namo Amituofo!

November 28 2019

Nov 28, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


Regardless of being good or evil, as long as we totally “surrender”, rely on Amitabha Buddha, aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss, and recite Amitabha’s Name, we will not incarnate any more. Our minds are in the Land of Bliss though our bodies are still in the Land of Saha .

We are now one of the sacred beings in the Land of Bliss. Moreover, we and Amitabha Buddha are as one body, inseparable. This means Amitabha always accompanies us in our daily lives. It is because the merits and virtues of the Name are in our hearts and we are always within Amitabha’s light. It is known as the inseparable entity of “aptitude” and of “teaching.” This relationship lasts from now to the end-of-life.



Namo Amituofo!