Dec 10, 2019
An excerpt from the Chapter on the Meaning of the Non-meditative Virtues in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra
The Contemplation Sutra says, “Firstly, the Sincere Mind.” ‘Sincere’ means true and real, so it is ‘genuine.’ It explains that all sentient beings who interpret and practice the teachings on cultivation of the bodily, verbal, and mental acts (karma) must perform them with the genuine mind.
The practitioner should not outwardly appear diligent, benevolent, and kind while bearing a mind of: deceit, hypocrisy, greed, hatred, evil views, false thoughts, or of hundreds of cunning tricks, and fraudulent ideas. Because it is so difficult to change these wicked inherent qualities, all of his acts are the same as those done by serpents and scorpions.
Though he commences to practice in the threefold karma, his actions are called ‘virtues mixed with poisons’, ‘untrue and unreal practices’ and cannot be called ‘real karma.’
Even if we settle ourselves and commence our practice earnestly and diligently, endeavoring with body and mind, striving without a moment’s rest, as if our very heads had caught fire, all of this would still be called ‘virtue mixed with poison.’ If we wish to dedicate such practices to be reborn in the Pure Land of the Buddha, we could never accomplish it.
When Amitabha Buddha cultivated the bodhisattva practices of the threefold karma in his causal ground, he always, in every single instant, performed them with a genuine mind. Thus, all of the merits and virtues that he cultivated for sentient beings [benefitting others], and his pursuit of perfect Enlightenment [self-benefitting], are real.
《經》云:「一者、至誠心」。「至」者真,「誠」者實。 欲明一切眾生,身口意業,所修解行,必須真實心中作。
不得外現賢善精進之相,內懷虛假。貪瞋邪偽,奸詐百端,惡性難 侵,事同蛇蝎。雖起三業,名為雜毒之善,亦名虛假之行,不名真實業也。
若作如此安心起行者,縱使苦勵身心,日夜十二時,急走急作,如 炙頭燃者,眾名雜毒之善。欲迴此雜毒之行,求生彼佛淨土者,此必不可也。
何以故?正由彼阿彌陀佛,因中行菩薩行時,乃至一念 一剎那,三業所修,皆是真實心中作;凡所施為趣求,亦皆真實。
Namo Amituofo!