Wednesday, December 18, 2019

December 18 2019

Dec 18, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths


The Alaya Consciousness is like a field on a farm, and our thoughts are like seeds falling on the field. Once seeds fall on a field, they will germinate, then flowers and fruit follow.

Beginning in our past lives, our Alaya Consciousness has become filled with greed, hatred, delusion, false and miscellaneous thoughts. If we recite the Buddha’s and patriarchs’ words, we can replace the old thoughts with new ones. In this way, the Buddha’s and patriarchs’ words become our lives. Thus, our perceptions, speech, and actions become full of the connotation and temperament of the Buddha’s and the patriarchs’ words.

阿賴耶識就像一片田地,起心動念就像在田地當中落了種子,種子一旦落下田地,時間一到就會發芽,乃至開花結果。宿世以來, 我們阿賴耶識所含藏的,不是貪瞋癡就是妄想雜念,如果把佛言祖語背誦在裡面,汰舊換新,這樣佛言祖語就會成為我們的生命,思惟、言語、舉止就會充滿佛言祖語所講的那種內涵與氣質。

Namo Amituofo!