Monday, January 27, 2020

January 27 2020

Jan 27, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - The Buddha’s Enlightening Mottos


The Buddha says, “Life is like a dream” and “Life is suffering.” In this dream-like life of suffering, if a person encounters Amitabha’s compassionate deliverance, and is embraced by Amitabha , he has received life’s foremost blessing.


Namo Amituofo!

January 26 2020

Jan 26, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Practicing Various Virtues


Our speech and actions are controlled by our minds. So, our minds are most important. To purify our minds means to free our thoughts of defilement. Every single thought should be pure and wholesome. If it is like this, we are proceeding toward the goal of Buddhahood. So, “cease from evil, do all good things, and purify our minds. This is the teaching of all buddhas.”

The teachings spoken by all buddhas – all buddhas in the ten directions and the three periods of time appear in the secular worlds, and teach sentient beings to refrain from evil, practice virtues, and purify their minds, in order to reach the state of Buddhahood.


「自淨其意」,就是要使我們的心念,念念都清淨無污染,念念都純善無惡, 如果這樣,就可以朝向成佛的目標。所以,「諸惡莫作,眾善奉行,自淨其意 ,是諸佛教」。

所謂「是諸佛教」就是佛所說的教。凡是十方三世一切諸佛, 示現在世間教化眾生,都希望眾生諸惡莫作,眾善奉行,最後自淨其意,達到佛的境界。

Namo Amituofo!

January 25 2020

Jan 25, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


Amitabha Buddha is not only able to deliver those who can purify their minds through cultivation, to be reborn in the Land of Bliss, and there to become Buddhas. He is also able to deliver those who have accumulated the most severe karmic offenses that cause them to fall into Avici hell, or even those already in Avici hell undergoing endless suffering. This is an example of Amitabha Buddha’s boundless great compassion.

This great compassion is so immeasurable, boundless, and limitless that even Buddhas cannot fully grasp it. It is also known as “all-embracing great compassion”. It means Amitabha’s great compassion surpasses all other Buddhas in the ten directions. This is why it is called “all-embracing great compassion.”



Namo Amituofo!

January 24 2020

Jan 24, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism


Though both are Pure Land teachings, and both recite Namo Amituofo, they have different interpretations, and different mindsets. For instance, some people recite Name Amituofo, wishing to be reborn in the Land of Bliss; but, they don’t understand Amitabha’s teaching of deliverance through his Fundamental Vow. So, they view Amitabha’s Name the same as other Buddha’s Names, dharani, or teachings. They also think that the merits and virtues of this Name are the same as the others listed above. This is also known as “miscellaneous cultivation and assorted practices.”


Namo Amituofo!

January 23 2020

Jan 23, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School:

Worldly Truths


Habitual behaviour is the 7th Consciousness (also known as the Mano Consciousness). The unwholesome seeds stored in the Alaya Consciousness are attached to the 7th Consciousness, which commands the 6th Consciousness to push the first five kinds of consciousness to act.

We must make use of the 6th Consciousness in order to learn Buddhism, because it has the ability to differentiate, memorize, and judge. Through these functions, we can understand when we hear Sutras, listen to Dharma, and study the ancient sayings. In this way, they can ferment in our hearts and enter the Alaya Consciousness bit by bit.

What happens after they enter the Alaya Consciousness? If the good seeds are plentiful, the bad ones are less able to germinate. Whichever seeds germinate, the germinated seeds may expedite other seeds of the same nature.

Moreover, if we make use of the 6th Consciousness to learn, perceive, and evaluate ourselves; then, what we think, how we speak and act are wholesome and kind. Thus, the bad seeds will remain dormant for a long period of time and they will naturally be unable to grow.





Namo Amituofo!

January 22 2020

Jan 22, 2020

An excerpt from the Chapter on the Meaning of the Non-meditative Virtues in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra



And, what we speak of as “dedication” means that, after rebirth in that land, one will return with great compassion to the cycle of birth-and-death, to teach and deliver sentient beings. This is also called ‘dedication.’


Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

January 21 2020

Jan 21, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra


Taking those in the lowest level of the low tier as an example, the Buddha reveals that Amitabha-recitation is the simplest and easiest method. Yet its rewards are most splendid and supreme. Though a practitioner has no merits within the three karmas, the dharma body of Amitabha solely possesses the merits that exceed those attained through meditative and non-meditative practices. He does not require the practitioner to do anything except accept his deliverance and recite his Name. This is the kind of Amitabha-recitation known as Name-recitation in accordance with the Fundamental Vow.


Namo Amituofo!

Monday, January 20, 2020

January 20 2020

Jan 20, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect


Karmic retributions for wholesome and unwholesome deeds, cause and effect in the three periods of time, and reincarnation within the Six Realms, are natural phenomena in the universe and in life. “Refrain from evil, practice kindness, and purify your mind.” These are the most fundamental teachings of all Buddhas. If a person truly believes in cause and effect, he must discard all evil deeds and perform good practices. If a person understands the horrifying journey of reincarnation, he will sincerely seek rebirth in the Pure Land.


Namo Amituofo!

January 19 2020

Jan 19, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


There is a saying: You don’t know how difficult it is, unless you experience it. When you really practice for a few years or a few decades, you will find and see clearly that you don’t know practicing. You will see that you are really worse, and more inferior in aptitude and capacity.

It also indicates that the transcendental great vows made by Amitabha Buddha are the most virtuous teachings. They are capable of delivering extremely evil sentient beings of the lowest aptitude.

Those beings in the Avici hells are burdened with the heaviest and deepest karmic offenses. However, if they recite Amitabha’s Name, Amitabha Buddha will save them. That is why Amitabha’s Name is known as Agada medicine. (medicine that can eliminate all poisons) If Amitabha’s Name were not Agada medicine, those in Avici hell will never be saved. Thus we know, the teaching of Amitabha-recitation can save anyone.



Namo Amituofo!

January 18 2020

Jan 18, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism


Though a person practices Amitabha-recitation, he may not understand this Name correctly and thoroughly. For instance, he may think: though Amitabha can deliver, I cannot be reborn easily if I cannot reach a certain level in this practice, or cannot accumulate certain merits and virtues.

In this way he knows, on one side this Name exceeds all other merits and virtues; but, on the other side, he believes the benefit of this Name is based upon reaching a certain level or accumulating merits. That means he does not fully trust Amitabha Buddha, as he relies on this and that mantra, and practices this and that teaching. He views Amitabha-recitation as just one of the many practices. This is known as performing “self-power miscellaneous practices,” as he takes this Name to be the same as other teachings.



Namo Amituofo!

January 17 2020

Jan 17, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths


We all carry the karma accumulated over many lives spanning many eons. We form another life here and now depending on causal conditions. Where are all of these karmas accumulated? In Buddhist terms, in the area of our minds called the Store or 8th Consciousness.

The karma inside the Store Consciousness is generally in a static state. However, the karma can be activated upon encountering certain circumstances. This function is known as the 7th Consciousness.

What we learn through education in this life is within the scope of the 6th Consciousness. With respect to the self-attachment in the 7th Consciousness and the karma in the 8th Consciousness, they are not affected. Their changes and effects are within the scope of cultivation. It is not just a matter of seeking knowledge.

Thus, we must always perceive, review, and observe our minds. This is known as “perceiving while reading”, and “to train our minds through experience in all circumstances”. If we don’t do this, the more knowledge we accumulate, the more karmic obstructions we have.

If our objective is changing our internal lives and personalities on a deeper level through knowledge, or even to change our karma, we must always perceive, review, and observe our minds.






Namo Amituofo!

January 16 2020

Jan 16, 2020

An excerpt from the Chapter on the Meaning of the Non-meditative Virtues in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra



Re Master Shandao’s Parable of Two Rivers and a White Path

The voice calling out from the eastern bank and exhorting the traveler to go forward to the West is the Buddha Shakyamuni. The traveler hearing the voice represents all sentient beings blessed with the karmic conditions to hear and find Shakyamuni’s teachings, even though the Buddha is no longer in the world and we cannot see him.

The voice calling out from the western bank is the Buddha Amitabha, expressing his wish to deliver all beings through his Vow.

言「東岸聞人聲勸遣,尋道直西進」者,即喻釋迦已滅, 後人不見,由有教法可尋,即喻之如聲也。


Namo Amituofo!

January 15 2020

Jan 15, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra


Ten recitations of Amitabha’s Name, as mentioned in the passage on the lowest level in the low tier, are the karmic cause of rebirth in the Land of Bliss. However, each recitation can fully accomplish rebirth. It is not restricted to the number “ten.”


Namo Amituofo!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

January 14 2020

Jan 14, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect


Basically, it is required to deeply believe in cause and effect in the Pure Land teaching. Hence, we should feel that our foolishness and capacity for wrongdoing exceed those of others, and that we aren’t qualified to argue with them.

It says in the Ksitigarbha Sutra, “When a thought arises in our minds, it is nothing but karma, and also an offense.” This means we always violate the law of cause and effect. In this way, we can gradually enter the door of the Pure Land teachings, which can change our temperaments.



Namo Amituofo!

Monday, January 13, 2020

January 13 2020

Jan 13, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


If we have understood Amitabha’s mind ( as expressed in his 18th Vow), we shouldn’t feel inferior and say, “Oh, I cannot practice well, so I may not be qualified to be reborn in the Land of Bliss.” We shouldn’t have any feeling of inferiority.

Every sentient being is Amitabha’s target for deliverance. If we can understand this point, we know that Amitabha’s 18th Vow is our last hope, light, and comfort.

我們既然了解阿彌陀佛第十八願的願心,就不應該自卑說:「唉!我修行不好, 恐怕不夠格往生極樂世界。」就不應該有這種自卑下劣的心。


Namo Amituofo!

January 12 2020

Jan 12, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism


If an Amitabha-reciter can study the teachings, understand the evidence in the Sutras, the commentaries, and the factual evidence, his doubts will vanish naturally. Thus, the light of faith always shines on brightly.


Namo Amituofo!

January 11 2020

Jan 11, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths


Memorizing the phrases and talking about their meanings is under the scope of our 6th Consciousness. If we can perceive their meanings and implement them within the circumstances in our daily lives, our personalities can be changed. Once they become part of our lives, we can enter the 7th and 8th Consciousness.


Namo Amituofo!

January 10 2020

Jan 10, 2020

An excerpt from the Chapter on the Meaning of the Non-meditative Virtues in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra



At this moment, his fear and panic are beyond words. Reflecting further, he thinks: “If I turn back, I will die. If I remain here or press on across the River [of Fire and Water], I will also die. As it is the only way of survival, I have no choice but to attempt a crossing on the path and go forward. Since the path exists, it surely must be possible to walk across it!”

As he decides on this course, he suddenly hears a voice from the eastern bank: “O traveler, be firm in your resolution to cross over on the white path, and you will slip the clutches of death! But if you tarry where you are, you will immediately die!”

He then hears a voice from the western bank: “O traveler, with singleness of mind and right attention, go forward at once. I will protect you! Do not be afraid of falling into the perils of fire or water!”

Thus, hearing one voice from the east exhorting him onward, and another from the west imploring him to cross, he rouses himself and strengthens his resolve to go straight forward on the white path. Thus, he goes forward, letting no doubt or timidity find harbor in his mind.

當時惶怖,不復可言,即自思念:「我今迴亦死,住亦死,去亦死; 一種不免死者,我寧尋此道,向前而去。既有此道,必應可度。」

作此念時,東岸忽聞人勸聲:「仁者!但決定尋此道行,必無死難, 若住即死。」

又西岸上有人喚言:「汝一心正念直來,我能護汝;眾不畏墮於水火之難。」 此人既聞此遣彼喚,即自正當身心,決定尋道直進,不生疑怯退心。

Namo Amituofo!

January 9 2020

Jan 9, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra


The passage on the highest level in the low tier, lets us know rebirth is assured by each recitation of Amitabha’s Name. The passage on the middle level in the low tier, lets us know the reason for the above stems from Amitabha’s Name.

However, if there weren’t any further elaboration in the passage on the lowest level in the low tier, people might misunderstand and believe that it’s fine to recite Amitabha’s Name only once.

In the passage on the lowest level in the low tier, it says “to recite continuously.” Because of this we know we should recite Amitabha’s Name continuously, as long as we live. Simply speaking, we believe rebirth can be attained through one recitation.

Never the less, we practice as many recitations as possible for the remainder of our lives, as said by Master Honen.


Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, January 11, 2020

January 8 2020

Jan 8, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect


When we recite Amitabha’s Name in our hearts, Amitabha Buddha knows, though other people do not. Whenever we recite, the Buddha knows, the ghosts and gods know, celestial beings know, the lords know, and the Dharma realm knows.

This is because, when our mind invokes, it is like a piece of pebble falling into water. Ripples will be produced moving in the radial directions. When they reach the shore, they will bounce back, and return to our minds.

When our mind invokes, whether it is a wholesome or unwholesome thought, we will eventually receive the respective retribution.




Namo Amituofo!

January 7 2020

Jan 7, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


Because of Amitabha’s pro-active deliverance, we have the chance to be reborn in the Pure Land and to have a new life. So, we have to respect Amitabha as the master of our minds and always recite Amitabha’s Name orally. It is a kind of psychological “selection of Dharma.”


Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

January 6 2020

Jan 6, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land


Among all of the teachings in the world, the Pure Land teaching is exceptionally difficult to believe. It is also not easy to expound. That is why Shakyamuni Buddha says, “I have, for the sake of all the world, delivered this teaching, which is so hard for people to accept. This is indeed an extremely difficult task."

If we cannot explain the teaching well, people may not just disagree and reject it, but also slander it. Even if they may believe it, if they do not understand and accept it correctly. They may make excuses and say: if Amitabha Buddha’s Fundamental Vow can save me, what’s the point for me to do good things and accumulate merits? Why don’t we simply indulge in enjoying life?

Being misled by this deviant view, they may be capricious and do evil. So, it is a difficult-to-believe teaching and also a difficult-to-explain teaching.

淨土法門真的是「一切世間難信之法」,不管你到哪裏講,人家都不太相信的。而且要宣說這個法門也不容易, 所以釋迦牟尼佛又說:「為一切世間說此難信之法,是為甚難。」



Namo Amituofo!

January 5 2020

Jan 5, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School:

Worldly Truths


Cultivation is not an academic matter. That is to say, learning Buddhism is not a matter of Buddhist doctrines nor a matter of Buddhist philosophy; but, a matter of observation of our minds, going deep in our 7th Consciousness, and transforming the karmic obstructions and retributions in our 8th Consciousness.


Namo Amituofo!

Monday, January 6, 2020

January 4 2020

Jan 4, 2020

An excerpt from the Chapter on the Meaning of the Non-meditative Virtues from the

Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra



If a person wishes to study the theory in the Buddhist teachings step by step (from the status of an ordinary being up to that of a sacred being,) until he attains the fruition of Buddhahood. He should not cease his learning until he has become free of all obstructions.

If a person wishes to study Buddhist teachings in practice, he must follow a reliable way that takes his capacity into account. He will gain more if he makes less effort through his own discretion.

若欲學解,從凡至聖,乃至佛果,一切無礙,皆得學也; 若欲學行者,必藉有緣之法,少用功勞,多得益也。

Namo Amituofo!

January 3 2020

Jan 3, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra


What do sentient beings of the lowest level in the low tier rely on, so that they can clear their karmic offenses of birth-and-death in the past 8 billion eons, escape from hell, and even be reborn in the Land of Bliss? The sutra tells us to” rely upon exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name”.

Because “that person is too tormented by pain to be mindful of the Buddha”, he has no faith nor aspiration at all. Thus, it reveals that faith and aspiration return to Name-recitation – assured rebirth through Amitabha-recitation. It is what he believes and what he aspires to. In other words, he believes in assured rebirth through Amitabha-recitation and aspires to be reborn through the method of Amitabha-recitation.

From the meaning of rebirth for the lowest level in the low tier, we know that faith and aspiration return to the practice of “reciting even ten times”. We also know that faith and aspiration are only an expediency leading to the practice of Name-recitation. Moreover, when Master Shandao (the incarnation of Amitabha Buddha) explains the 18th Vow, he sometimes omits faith, or omits aspiration, and sometimes omits both of them; but, he always underscores exclusive practice of recitation of Amitabha’s Name.




Namo Amituofo!

January 2 2020

Jan 2, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Belief in Cause and Effect


Bad-mouthing seems to relieve emotional unhappiness for a while; however, the negativity from others is even more terrifying. A person can avoid it if he knows where the attack originates; but, he cannot if the negativity is behind his back.

Contentment for a short moment will incur endless trouble in future. The Buddha always admonishes us not to commit karmic offenses in speech; so, we should obey and believe sincerely.

說人壞話,以為不吐不快,豈知對方報復可怕,所謂「明槍易躲,暗箭難防」。圖快意於一時, 遺後患於無窮。「莫造口業」之佛誡,可不仰而遵哉!

Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

January 1 2020

Jan 1, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


There are two sources of dharma-joy. One is understanding of Amitabha’s compassionate deliverance.( Through studying the teaching, we can better comprehend Amitabha’s compassionate deliverance.) The other is through tasting its sweetness through reciting Amitabha’s Name.


Namo Amituofo!