Monday, January 13, 2020

January 10 2020

Jan 10, 2020

An excerpt from the Chapter on the Meaning of the Non-meditative Virtues in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra



At this moment, his fear and panic are beyond words. Reflecting further, he thinks: “If I turn back, I will die. If I remain here or press on across the River [of Fire and Water], I will also die. As it is the only way of survival, I have no choice but to attempt a crossing on the path and go forward. Since the path exists, it surely must be possible to walk across it!”

As he decides on this course, he suddenly hears a voice from the eastern bank: “O traveler, be firm in your resolution to cross over on the white path, and you will slip the clutches of death! But if you tarry where you are, you will immediately die!”

He then hears a voice from the western bank: “O traveler, with singleness of mind and right attention, go forward at once. I will protect you! Do not be afraid of falling into the perils of fire or water!”

Thus, hearing one voice from the east exhorting him onward, and another from the west imploring him to cross, he rouses himself and strengthens his resolve to go straight forward on the white path. Thus, he goes forward, letting no doubt or timidity find harbor in his mind.

當時惶怖,不復可言,即自思念:「我今迴亦死,住亦死,去亦死; 一種不免死者,我寧尋此道,向前而去。既有此道,必應可度。」

作此念時,東岸忽聞人勸聲:「仁者!但決定尋此道行,必無死難, 若住即死。」

又西岸上有人喚言:「汝一心正念直來,我能護汝;眾不畏墮於水火之難。」 此人既聞此遣彼喚,即自正當身心,決定尋道直進,不生疑怯退心。

Namo Amituofo!