Thursday, January 9, 2020

January 6 2020

Jan 6, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land


Among all of the teachings in the world, the Pure Land teaching is exceptionally difficult to believe. It is also not easy to expound. That is why Shakyamuni Buddha says, “I have, for the sake of all the world, delivered this teaching, which is so hard for people to accept. This is indeed an extremely difficult task."

If we cannot explain the teaching well, people may not just disagree and reject it, but also slander it. Even if they may believe it, if they do not understand and accept it correctly. They may make excuses and say: if Amitabha Buddha’s Fundamental Vow can save me, what’s the point for me to do good things and accumulate merits? Why don’t we simply indulge in enjoying life?

Being misled by this deviant view, they may be capricious and do evil. So, it is a difficult-to-believe teaching and also a difficult-to-explain teaching.

淨土法門真的是「一切世間難信之法」,不管你到哪裏講,人家都不太相信的。而且要宣說這個法門也不容易, 所以釋迦牟尼佛又說:「為一切世間說此難信之法,是為甚難。」



Namo Amituofo!