Feb 15, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra
What does playing “tug of war” with Amitabha Buddha mean? We play the game this way -“Oh, Amitabha Buddha, I am sorry, I cannot go with you now. I have my beloved husband and children in the Saha World”, or “Amitabha Buddha, I am sorry.
I have a lot of enemies and debtors in the world. My husband treats me ill, and bullies me. He owes me a lot. I want to see how he suffers in future. After that, I will go for rebirth.” This indecisiveness leaves Amitabha Buddha no alternative, but to wait until you are ready.
只要我們不跟阿彌陀佛「拉鋸」──什麼叫做跟阿彌陀佛「拉鋸」呢?「哎呀!阿彌陀佛,對不起, 我還不能跟您去,這個娑婆世界還有我所愛的丈夫跟兒孫」,或者「阿彌陀佛!對不起,我還不能跟您去,因為這個世間上有我的冤家債主,我的丈夫他一生對我不好、凌虐我,他欠我很多,我要看到他淒慘的下場,我才要往生」,如果是這樣的話,當然阿彌陀佛就無可奈何,只好還在那裡等了。
Namo Amituofo!