Feb 18, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism
It should be our daily routine to recite the six-character great name (“Namo Amituofo”) as often as we can . This Name is comprised of all of the limitless merits of Amitabha, and can embrace all beings. The merits and virtues contained in this single Name are perfect and complete. What else do you need to know?
Moreover, as far as achieving rebirth in the Pure Land of Bliss, we do not rely on our own power; but, totally rely on the power of Amitabha. The status and qualifications of sentient beings are not considered. (Regardless of their gender, age, religious beliefs, karmic offenses, cultivation, mental purity, or the singleness of their thoughts)
Namo Amituofo!