Monday, February 24, 2020

February 23 2020

Feb 23, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - the Buddha’s Enlightening Mottos

All ordinary beings are full of greed, anger, delusion, arrogance, and doubt. These are born of our individual afflictions and attachments. Thus, we cannot completely forgive others, accommodate others, or offer sympathy to others, because we dare not share our various kinds of afflictions with them. We always feel lonely even though we may have a lovely spouse, children with filial love, and close friends.

There is a saying in Taiwan: who knows what my concerns are? Who dares to talk, with no reservation, about our concerns? Can we really understand and accommodate each other? No matter how lovely our spouse is, they cannot share our suffering, afflictions, or the deepest secrets of our hearts. We feel lonely when we are alone, and even when we gather with our friends and relatives. So, it is said, “In the mundane world, people live in the world of desires. They are born alone and die alone, and, they come alone and go alone.”

凡夫都有貪、瞋、癡、慢、疑,因此一定有各自的煩惱與執著,既然這樣,就不可能徹底的體諒對方、包容對方、憐惜對方,彼此也就不敢傾訴心中的種種煩惱。夫妻再怎麼恩愛, 兒女再怎麼孝順, 再怎麼樣的相聚一堂, 內心還是孤獨。

台灣有句俗語說:「心事誰人知」,誰敢把內心全部掏出來跟人傾訴呢?又有誰能夠互相理解而相互包容呢?所以再怎麼樣恩愛的夫妻, 也很難盡情的傾訴心中的苦悶、煩惱與秘密。一個人的時候固然孤獨,家親眷屬相聚一堂,也還是孤獨的,所以說「人在世間,愛欲之中,獨生獨死,獨去獨來」。

Namo Amituofo!