Wednesday, February 26, 2020

February 24 2020

Feb 24, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra

People of the lowest level in the low tier come across all kinds of unwholesome circumstances, until they are near their end-of-life. At that time, if their karmic conditions allow, they may encounter the teaching of Amitabha-recitation.

Amitabha-recitation provides unsurpassed merit and virtues. That person may be full of fear and pain; so, he has no time to think, or perform any merits and virtues to dedicate for rebirth in the Land of Bliss. At that time, he is so frightened that he can do nothing, but open his mouth and recite “Namo Amituofo”. Just those words already contain all of the functional capacity necessary, in terms of rebirth-aspiration and merit-dedication. In the same way, when we recite “Namo Amituofo”, we have already aspired to be reborn in the Western Land of Bliss.

下品下生的人一生都遇到惡緣,臨終才遇到善緣,遇到念佛法門,而念佛就是大利,就是無上功德,是大善根、大福德;他身心充滿恐懼、痛苦,根本沒有多餘的時間來思惟,來作功德迴向發願往生極樂世界,那個時候他很驚慌,來不及了,只是假借著這個嘴巴,稱念「南無阿彌陀佛」,就已經具足了發願迴向的功能。同理, 我們稱念「南無阿彌陀佛」,自自然然就有發願往生西方極樂世界的功能。

Namo Amituofo!