Friday, March 13, 2020

March 11 2020

Mar 11, 2020

An excerpt from the Chapter on the Meaning of the Non-meditative Virtues in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra



Question: Why are the offenses of a thousand eons only eradicated by hearing the twelve divisions of the sutras; but, the offenses of five million eons are eradicated by reciting the Buddha’s Name once? Please explain?

Answer: A person who has committed numerous offenses bears a heavy karmic burden and, as he approaches death, he is under great pressure. Though a kind advisor recites many sutras, he cannot understand any, because his mind is distracted, unsteady, and shallow.

Recitation of the Buddha’s Name is a simple single practice. Because of this, it is easier to focus the mind on it. Thus, he is instructed to recite the Buddha’s Name with right mindfulness. In this way he can clear the offenses accumulated over many eons.


答曰:造罪之人障重,加以死苦來逼,善人雖說多經,餐受之心浮散,由心散故,除罪稍輕。又佛名是一,即能攝散以住心,復教令 正念稱名,由心重故,即能除罪多劫也。

Namo Amituofo!