Monday, March 16, 2020

March 16 2020

Mar 16, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - the Buddha’s Enlightening Mottos

There are about 6 billion people on Earth. All of them will die within approximately 100 years of their births.

Generally, people see death as taboo. They think it is bad luck when they see someone die, hear about death, or think of death. This shows that they are fearful of death. However, no matter how much they are fearful, they must deal with it.

Even if they escape or avoid this matter, they must eventually confront death. If they can positively deal with it, they may find a solution, or even overcome it. So, we Buddhists should strive to transcend these very human emotions, not to escape them; but, to deal with them with courage.



Namo Amituofo!