Tuesday, March 3, 2020

March 2 2020

Mar 2, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - the Buddha’s Enlightening Mottos


What is life like? It’s like an ox approaching the slaughter, with each step coming ever closer to death. It is inevitable for all of us, including the powerful and esteemed, to receive judgement from King Yama. The Infinite Life Sutra says, “When we reach life’s near-end, regret and fear inevitably arrive as well.”

Thinking of death, will “we” continue in existence, or vanish in extinction? If there is continuing, will “we” go to the realm of suffering or to the realm of joy? Above all, anxiety will occur due to uncertainty and ignorance. The reason we have karma, suffering, and anxiety is ignorance. Because of ignorance, we have karma resulting in suffering, and we have anxiety because of ignorance too.

人生像什麼呢?如牛赴市, 步步近死,即使位高權重還是難以避免閻王的審判, 一旦命終的時候,則悔懼交至。《無量壽經》說:「大命將終,悔懼交至」。

想到死了以後生命到底是繼續存在還是斷滅?如果繼續存在, 到底是向苦的地方去,還是向樂的地方去? 總之,不明、不知,就會不安。我們之所以會造業、痛苦、不安,都是因為二個字──「無知」。無知所以造業, 造業所以痛苦; 也由於無知才不安。

Namo Amituofo!