Friday, March 13, 2020

March 5 2020

Mar 5, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths

Though we are a Buddhist organization, it is not our purpose to own an organization and to study the Buddhist teachings. As Buddhists, whether we learn in the Sacred Path or in the Pure Land Path, our aim should be: to pursue Bodhi (to become Buddhas) above, and to deliver sentient beings below. The purpose of pursuing Bodhi is to attain the power to deliver sentient beings.

All sentient beings are immersed in the boundless sea of suffering. Some of them are ignorant, without any knowledge of it, and some of them are frightened and anxious. So, they all need to be called to awake, and need the comfort of Amitabha.

我們雖是佛教團體,但不以擁有教團、研究佛學為目的。學佛人不論所學是聖道門或是淨土門, 其目的都在於「上求菩提,下化眾生;而上求菩提的目的,是為了有能力度化眾生」。


Namo Amituofo!