Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Coronavirus Outbreak: A Buddhist Perspective 佛法如何看待和应对当下疫情?

The Coronavirus Outbreak: A Buddhist Perspective 佛法如何看待和应对当下疫情?

Master Jingzong PureLandBuddhism

1. What is the cause of the novel coronavirus epidemic?

As with all other coronavirus infections, the current hypothesis is the transmission of the virus from  host-wildlife to humans, especially during the hunting, transport, trading, slaughter and eating of wildlife. Once the virus is transmitted to humans and then among humans, an epidemic occurs.

From a Buddhist perspective, it is the karma people have collectively committed, particularly killing, that leads to the epidemic.

2. Science is concrete and credible. Does the Buddhist explanation seem mystical and unscientific? 

Each phenomenon has many aspects and layers. Science is easy to believe because it depends on direct observation and is clear. Buddhism is profound and subtle. It is not readily understandable by ordinary people, so it’s hard to believe. But it is not pretentious or false.

Buddhism is not science, nor does it have to be. Not being limited by science, Buddhism is able to offer humanity ways to understanding things and solve problems. Our well-being requires both science and Buddhism. They complement, rather than conflict with, each other.

3. Please give us an example.

Suppose a construction worker was killed by a fallen brick. Science would tell us that it was the massive gravitational force that broke the man’s skull. So we develop safety helmets to protect people at construction sites. The law would say that a person is brought to justice and punished because he or she killed intentionally. However, from the Buddhist point of view, killing is driven by someone’s afflictions of greed, anger and ignorance. Such evil actions generate karma and result in retribution. Therefore, Buddhism advocates the cultivation of merit and Amitabha-recitation (known as nianfo* in Mandarin) in order to suppress or eradicate greed and anger. It specifically urges people to gain rebirth in the Pure Land through Amitabha-recitation in order to sever all bonds to the cycle of birth-and-death.

4. How do we protect ourselves from the epidemic?

(1) The scientific approach. Follow the medical advice, such as washing hands frequently, wearing masks, staying away from crowds and, if necessary, quarantining the infected to avoid proliferation of the disease.

(2) The Buddhist approach. Practice Amitabha-recitation. By reciting the Buddha’s name, we are embraced and protected by Amitabha’s light, our karmic obstacles eliminated. Each reciter should teach his or her family to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha. They in turn should teach their parents and relatives, and their friends and neighbors, to recite as well. At difficult times like these, if people are willing to recite ― be they regular believers or not ― they will certainly be protected by Amitabha Buddha. However, if they consider it superstitious to recite and so refuse to practice, they would lose the protective benefit of the Buddha’s light.

There is an item in the Writings of Master Yinguang (1860-1940) titled “No Epidemic Ever Enters Where There Is Amitabha-Recitation.” It confirms the relevant principles and practice. 

5. Does it mean that so long as we sincerely recite Amitabha’s name, there is no need to wear masks? Otherwise, our faith is not sincere?

Both sincere recitation of Amitabha’s name and health precautions are necessary. They constitute the right view, and correct faith and practice.

If we think that we can just depend on the Buddha and act impetuously, we are being reckless and lack true faith. Buddhism is about the law of causation**. As ordinary beings, we have committed countless negative acts since time immemorial. When the external conditions are ripe, we would reap the karmic consequences. In our past lives, we all killed repeatedly ― and now face the epidemic as retribution. If we take proper precautions and sever the external causes, we would not become infected. Like crossing the street, we should remain mindful of the traffic even though we are under the protection of Amitabha’s light. If we are too full of ourselves and act foolhardily, putting the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to the test, we would have nothing to stand on. It would be like exposing ourselves to great peril. How much more so when we need to think about others and protect them?

6.  Should we recite only Namo Amitabha Buddha? What about the names of other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, or sutras and mantras?

Those who practice Pure Land Buddhism should recite only Namo Amitabha Buddha, which includes the merit and virtues of all other Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and scriptures. There is no need to recite anything else. Those who practice other paths or have been reciting the names of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and Bhaisajyaguru (Medicine) Buddha or other sutras and mantras can continue to do so. However, ultimately it would be best for them to dedicate this merit to rebirth in the Western Pure Land.

7. Should we recite the “Sutra of the Prevention of Infectious Diseases,” as someone recommended on the Internet?

No. We do not even know if the sutra is genuine. Even if it is, the merit derives from the names of well-known Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, like Amitabha Buddha and Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, as well as Mahayana sutras. When someone facing a disaster urges others to recite an unfamiliar sutra or mantra from the Tripitaka to avoid it, often it is for lack of faith in Amitabha Buddha and deficient knowledge of Buddhist teachings. They do not understand the power in the names of Namo Amitabha Buddha and Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, which were cited by the lineage masters and recited by countless people everywhere.

8. How do we avoid panicking?

When encountering the outbreak, most people unavoidably feel panic because they do not have the right view or correct knowledge. In normal times, they lack awareness of impermanence and crave only mundane pleasures. Not knowing the ultimate truths of life, they are mentally unprepared for crises, or lack the merit and wisdom to deal with them.

Buddhists who have the right view will not panic in the face of the epidemic outbreak because they know well that everything changes, that nothing is permanent. By practising Amitabha-recitation, they are blessed with merit and wisdom, so they are well prepared. As the saying goes, “prepare warm clothing for harsh winters and abundant food for years of famine.” People who do that have no worries, while those who don’t will panic. Amitabha-recitation can end the cycle of birth-and-death, so there’s no need to panic during a mere epidemic. Says the Infinite Life Sutra“All kinds of fear turn into peace of mind.” And The Heart Sutra notes, “Because the mind is unimpeded, there is no fear.”

9.  Why do people who claim to be Buddhists panic too?

The reasons are:

1. Meager faith,

2. Deep-rooted habits of ordinary beings,

3. Easily influenced by others, 

4. Lack of guidance from Dharma mentors.

They should recite Amitabha's name more, with Deep Mind.

10.  How do we deal with rumors?

Rumors arise from doubts and fears, and ignorance of facts and truth. They are like “the sound of the wind and the cry of cranes” — a fleeing army’s suspicion of danger at the slightest sign. They spread like wildfire from one person to the next. Buddhists with right view understand that life’s truths will not be swayed by rumors -- just as one can move blades of grass by blowing on them, but not a mountain. Encouraging people to believe in Amitabha Buddha and adding even one more Amitabha-reciter helps still rumors and calm people’s anxieties.

At the social level, we should offer the public comprehensive, factual and transparent information to prevent the proliferation of rumors — the black market of misinformation. People who worry about their own safety but lack information may “fabricate” it and disseminate it to others, who will accept it indiscriminately. 

11.  If a person, faced with the epidemic, can’t bear to read news reports, is this Buddhist compassion?

No. It is at best ordinary secular kindness. A compassionate Buddhist would pity even the joyous king of a celestial realm and be willing to help him liberate himself from the cycle of rebirth (samsara). Seeing ordinary beings suffer, he thinks of the pains of hell and wishes that all sentient beings can achieve Buddhahood through rebirth in the Land of Bliss. He would not panic when faced with the lesser miseries, misfortunes or sicknesses of the human realm. Nor would he slacken while experiencing the pleasures of the human and celestial realms.

12.  How do we offer love and kindness?

There are several ways:

1. Make donations through reliable and effective channels.

2. Practice Amitabha-recitation and dedicate the merit towards a speedy end to the outbreak.

3. Practise and encourage others to practise Amitabha-recitation for rebirth in the Pure Land. That is the ultimate solution to all suffering relating to diseases and afflictions arising from greed, anger and ignorance.

4. Adopt a vegetarian diet immediately. If you cannot do that full-time, at least be a part-time vegetarian ― that is, refraining from meat products on certain days of the week or month. It is a way of penitence and awakening to our transgression of killing animals — a way to love and care for all living beings. Otherwise, there will continue to be outbreaks of various infectious diseases.


13.  Should we call on everyone to recite Amitabha Buddha’s name at the same time and dedicate the merit to a swift termination of the outbreak?

We can each follow our own inclination, or heed the call of the Virtual Recitation Hall for collective practice. We should make it our daily routine to recite Amitabha’s name and, preferably, do so in a convenient but quiet manner, without bothering others.


14.  What aspirations should we have for the future?

First, we should hope for public awareness to grow that all lives are equal, to be respected, cherished and protected. We should wish that all beings recite Amitabha’s name and gain rebirth in the Pure Land, severing their links to the rebirth cycle.

Second, we should strive for social progress. Ways include improving people’s eating habits and some of our festival customs, advocating vegetarianism, practicing benevolence, and strengthening our own ability to deal with emergencies.

* [ Nianfo in Chinese pinyin: "Nian" means to recite, and "fo" refers specifically to Amitabha Buddha. Nianfo means recitation of the six-syllable or six-character name of “Namo Amitabha Buddha” ― that is, reciting Amitabha Buddha’s name, or simply Amitabha-recitation.]

** [ The law of causation concerns the principle of cause (因, yin), the predestined condition or relationship (缘, yuan), and the karmic consequences (果, guo) of rewards/retributions (报, bao). When the conditions ripen, the consequence takes place. The relationship of cause-condition-consequence, yin-yuan-guo-bao is a very basic and important concept in Buddhism.]

Appendix 1

From Master Yinguang’s Writings ― “No Epidemic Ever Enters Where There Is Amitabha-Recitation”:

“Amitabha-recitation prevents the spread of epidemics. Amitabha-reciters should not only invite their lotus friends to recite, but also encourage people in the neighborhood and nearby communities to undertake vegetarian diets and Amitabha-recitation. They can do so at home, while going about their daily activities. As long as we recite, whether walking, sitting, standing or lying down, no epidemic will strike us.

“Two years ago, cholera wreaked havoc in various places. Chengcheng in Shanxi Province saw hundreds of deaths during the outbreak. However, in one exceptional case, an entire village of 50 or 60 families practised Amitabha-recitation. All but two evildoers were safe. Meanwhile, in Gangu, Gansu Province, householder He Hongji promoted Amitabha-recitation. The epidemic left the families of reciters unscathed.

“Inviting lotus friends to recite together is fine; what is better is to teach everyone, old and young, men and women, to practice Amitabha-recitation. Best of all would be adoption of a fully vegetarian diet. Short of that, eat as little meat as possible. Those who consume meat should still recite. In these times of danger, the only reliable protection is to recite ‘Namo Amitabha Buddha.’ Those who fear death and want peace of mind must not lightly dismiss this advice.”

—— Volume 3, “Second Letter to 

Householder Mu Zongjing”  

Appendix II

From Master Yinguang’s Writings ― “Amitabha-Recitation Is Fundamental for Safeguarding the Nation From Disasters”:

“I, Yinguang, am an ignorant, ordinary monk who knows nothing more than to recite the name of Amitabha Buddha. I have wasted some 70 years on useless things and never studied Buddhism thoroughly. Today, I find it difficult to refuse the invitation to attend the Dharma Assembly to Shield the Nation from Disasters, since it concerns the well-being of our country. So here I am. Nothing in my words is meant to be obscure or hard to understand. in fact, they will all be about the prime goal of this Dharma Assembly. I will speak again tomorrow about the essence of our conclave.


“How can we achieve the assembly’s goal of safeguarding the nation from disasters? I believe that the basic means is to practise Amitabha-recitation. It is sentient beings’ karmic offenses that cause all disasters. To avert negative karma, every one of us must recite the Buddha’s name. While the purpose of Amitabha-recitation is to liberate ourselves from samsara through rebirth in the Pure Land, it is also an extremely powerful means to eradicate karmic obstructions. Even if only a few people recited, bad karma can still be mitigated.


“If we can avoid evil and do good, the world would be peaceful and people happy. However, that would not be the ultimate goal. What then, is the final objective? Our rebirth in the Pure Land, so as to sever permanently all bonds to samsara. In the meantime, we should dutifully discharge our worldly responsibilities, and act to stay away from evil and cherish good. By doing so, we can change the fate of the nation and keep disasters at bay.

“Since it is our common karmic transgressions that have led to all the disasters of today, the way to avoid them is to promote the nationwide practice of Amitabha-recitation. During the Battle of Shanghai, which began on January 28, 1932, many families of Amitabha-reciters evaded calamity. If a single reciter was able to summon such blessed protection, how much more so the power of collective recitation.

“So as long as we recite Amitabha Buddha’s name sincerely, even a national calamity can be averted.


“This is a Dharma Assembly to Shield the Nation from Disasters. However, I believe that merely to avoid wars and natural calamities is not enough. We must help liberate sentient beings from afflictions in the cycle of birth-and-death. Compared with physical sufferings, our ignorance of the Dharma-body and failure to achieve Buddhahood are a thousand times more miserable. For this reason, we won’t be able to shield ourselves effectively from disasters unless we can protect our Dharma-life from afflictions in the rebirth cycle.”

 —— Volume 3, Part 2, “Dharma Teachings From the Shanghai Assembly to Shield the Nation From Disasters”



1.  这次新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的起因是什么?



2.  科学解释具体、可信,佛法解释是否过于虚玄、不科学?



3.  请举例说明。


4.  如何做好防护?




5.  那么只要诚心念佛,不用戴防护口罩等,否则即是信佛不诚?



6.  只念「南无阿弥陀佛」?还要念别的佛菩萨名号、经咒吗?



7.  网上有人推荐《避瘟经》需要念吗?


8.  如何避免恐慌心理?



9.  为什么也有声称佛弟子者显得恐慌?






10.  如何面对谣言?



11.  面对疫情,心里觉得难受、无力,不敢看疫情报导,这是佛门慈悲心吗?


12.  如何献爱心?





13.  需要号召大家同一时间点共同念佛回向疫情吗?


14.  对未来抱有何种期望?

















