Apr 18, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Practicing Various Virtues
There are three kinds of fields of blessings – field of respect, field of grace, and field of compassion. Despite having a field, we have no power to cultivate it and, if we have the power to cultivate, we have no field. In either case, we cannot attain any blessings as rewards. However, if we have the three kinds of fields, we should cherish them and treat them with great care.
敬田、恩田、悲田就是佛法中所謂的「三種福田」。有田,但沒有力量耕耘, 或者有力量耕耘,而沒有田,都不能得到福報。如果有這三田,我們就應該善加珍惜,好好把握。
Namo Amituofo!