Apr 19, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - the Buddha’s Enlightening Mottos
Life is comprised of relationships, whether they are rewarding graces or lingering resentments, whether incurring debts or repaying debts. Once we repay all debts, and clear all karma, we can definitely leave this world. However, if we cannot clear all of our debts, it is impossible for us to leave.
All Buddhists should recognize this fact. If we come across adverse circumstances, we should know these are the result of karmic seeds we planted in the past, not due to the judgement of a God or King Yama. It was all created by ourselves. For these reasons, we should have no regrets or resentments. Do not blame any other people or deity, and accept it for what it is. This is the only way we can repay these debts.
However, in the meantime, new karmic debts appear while we have not yet cleared the previous ones. Thus, we see that our karmic debts never end! We owe debts to each other forever.
Namo Amituofo!