Sunday, April 5, 2020

April 2 2020

Apr 2, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - the Buddha’s Enlightening Mottos

Actually, human desires are impure, contaminated, and hidden. Though they are inconspicuous, like an undercurrent, their roots are deep and firm. They seem to be stationary; but, desires arise to become obstructions when we wish to practice and cultivate.

So, we find we lack effort in cultivation, and our bodies and hearts are burned by the fires of hell. We are in despair. As the Infinite Life Sutra says, “When death comes, fear and regret come one after the other.”

其實,人之欲望都是不乾淨、有污染,而且是深沉的。雖不顯露, 卻如暗流, 可謂根柢深植。平時按兵不動,一到想起心修行時,欲望便起,處處成障。

因此修行乏力,直覺地獄之火一直燃燒著身、燃燒著心,那個時候,只有絕望。所以, 人一到最後, 無不絕望。因此,《無量壽經》言:「大命將終,悔懼交至」。

Namo Amituofo!