Apr 23, 2020
An excerpt from the Chapter on the Meaning of the Non-meditative Virtues in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra
Further on in the passage on rebirth for those in the lowest level of the low tier, those who commit the Five Gravest Transgressions are taken into account; but, those slandering the Right Dharma are excluded. As they have committed the Five Gravest Transgressions already, the Buddha doesn’t abandon them to reincarnate [in the cycle of birth-and-death]. The Buddha returns to embrace them with his great compassion. However, as they haven’t committed the offense of slandering the Right Dharma, the Buddha warns them to refrain from doing so. He says, “If you slander the Right Dharma now, you cannot attain rebirth in the Pure Land at this time.” If they have already, they must wait to be embraced and delivered.
Though they attain rebirth, their flowers remain closed for many eons. While in that state they will have three kinds of obstructions: 1. they cannot see the Buddha and the sacred beings, 2. they cannot hear the Right Dharma, 3. they cannot participate and make offerings. Apart from these three, they do not have any other kinds of “suffering.” The Sutra says, “Like the Bhiksu, they dwell in the joy of the Third Dhyana Heaven.”
又下品下生中,取五逆,除謗法者,其五逆 已作,不可捨令流轉,還發大悲,攝取往生。然謗法之罪未為,又止言:「若起謗法,即不得生」,此就未造業而解也; 若造,還攝得生。
雖得生彼,華合逕於多劫。此等罪人, 在華內時, 有三種障:一者不得見佛及諸聖眾。二者不得聽聞 正法。三者不得歷事供養。除此以外,更無諸苦。
《經》云:「猶如比丘,入三禪之樂」也。應知。雖在華中多劫不開, 可不勝阿鼻地獄之中,長時永劫受諸苦痛也。此義就抑止門解竟。
Namo Amituofo!