Apr 26, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism
Amitabha’s deliverance is pro-active and positive. It doesn’t require sentient beings to pray, ask , bargain , or qualify. Their wisdom, knowledge, capacity to practice, and their virtues are not taken into account. The important thing is believing that Amitabha has come to save you, As long as you are willing to accept his Infinite Compassion and aspire to be reborn by reciting his Name, it is all accomplished immediately.
彌陀的救度,主動積極而來,不須經眾生祈求拜託;不講條件,不擇對象,與 慧、學問無關,也與修行如何,為人善惡無關。重要的是,彌陀要救你, 你是否相信?你是否答應?只要你肯接受,肯被救,願生稱名,當下即一切圓成。
Namo Amituofo!