Friday, April 3, 2020

March 28 2020

Mar 28, 2020
An excerpt from the Chapter on the Meaning of the Non-meditative Virtues in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra

What is heard from the manifested Buddha’s praise concerns “the merits of reciting Amitabha’s Name.” Hearing sutras is not mentioned. What is the underlying wish of the Buddha? It is merely to advise people to recite Amitabha’s Name exclusively with right aspiration, because this guarantees rebirth. This is different from other miscellaneous and distracted karmic practices for rebirth.

It should be noted that this Sutra and other Pure Land sutras widely praise the merits of name-recitation everywhere, and urge people to recite Amitabha’s Name for rebirth and in order to attain important benefits.

所聞化讚,但述「稱佛之功,我來迎汝」,不論聞經之事。 然望佛願意者,唯勸正念稱名,往生義疾,不同雜散之業。如此經及諸部中,處處廣歎,勸令稱名,將為要益也。應知。

Namo Amituofo!