Tuesday, August 11, 2020

August 9 2020

Aug 9, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Encouraging us to practice Amitabha-Recitation


The 18th Vow is meant to embrace and deliver all sentient beings, except those who commit the Five Gravest Transgressions and slander the right Dharma. For them it is to prevent and inhibit.

Within preventing and inhibiting, Amitabha also embraces and delivers. Where can we find the factual illustration of this? The passage on rebirth for those in the lowest level in the low tier illustrates Amitabha’s embrace and deliverance.

Within embracing and delivering, he also prevents and inhibits. Where can we find the factual illustration? The passage mentions 12 kalpas. It means, though they are reborn, they will remain in an embryonic state within lotus flowers for 12 kalpas, because they committed the Five Gravest Transgressions. This refers to Amitabha’s wish to prevent us from committing the Five Gravest Transgressions and slandering the Right Dharma.

(to be continued tomorrow)

第十八願是攝取,唯除五逆就是抑止。抑止當中有攝取,攝取的事實在哪裏呢?下品下生,就是攝取。攝取當中有抑止,抑止在那裏?在十二大劫這段文中。亦即雖然是往生了,但告訴我們,因犯了五逆,所以十二大劫在花胎裏面 ,這就是又回到五逆謗法的抑止了。

Namo Amituofo!