Jul 29, 2020
An excerpt from ‘In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth’ by Master Shandao
Deep Mind is genuine faith. We know we are ordinary beings full of afflictions, with no fertile roots of virtues. This causes us to reincarnate within the Three Domains and makes us unable to leave this burning house. However, we now believe in and accept Amitabha’s Great Fundamental Vow, which teaches us that, by reciting his Name ten times, or even once, our rebirth is assured. For these reasons it is called the Deep Mind.
「深心」:即是真實信心:信知自身是具足煩惱凡夫,善根薄少, 流轉三界,不出火宅;今信知彌陀本弘誓願,及稱名號,下至十聲、 一聲等,定得往生;乃至一念無有疑心,故名深心。
Namo Amituofo!