Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - the Buddha’s Enlightening Mottos
Since we can study Buddhist teachings in this lifetime, we should choose the teaching that can liberate us in this lifetime. Let us first aim to be reborn in the Land of Bliss and leave all matters until later.. Actually, the Land of Bliss is a realm where we will naturally become buddhas and enjoy its rewards. It is not a place for further studies and practices. So, our teaching is easy in practice, and splendid in rewards.
Why is it splendid? It is splendid because rebirth can be achieved in this life, and rebirth enables us to become a Buddha.
所以,今生今世既然學佛,就必須把握今生今世可以解脫的法門,也就是先往生極樂世界再說。其實極樂世界是成佛的境界, 是享受果報的,不是到那裏又再學習、再修行,所以這個法門既容易、又殊勝,殊勝在哪裏呢?殊勝在能當生成就,而且往生能夠當生成佛。
Namo Amituofo!