Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths
In an organization, if you find your relationship with others is not good, and feel left out, you shouldn’t blame or criticize others. Why? It is like a mirror’s reflection showing us the reality of ourselves. The image is not deliberately produced; but, provides us an important opportunity for us to review our actions and look deeply at ourselves.
At the same time, we have to think positively in all matters. Don’t think in negative ways in any situation. If we think positively, it will produce a positive effect in response. If we think negatively under any circumstance, it will produce a negative effect in response.
如果在群體當中,覺得自己沒有人緣,好像別人都冷落自己,這樣就要檢討自己,不要去指責或批評別人。為什麼?這個就是以鏡為鑒的理論, 眼前鏡子所顯現的都是自己如實的相貌,不是鏡子故意產生的。所以反觀自省很重要。
同時,凡事要往正面去想,不要往負面想。不管事情怎樣, 都要往正面想, 這樣就會帶來正面的效應。如果動不動就往負面想,即使是正面的,也會帶來負面的效應。
Namo Amituofo!