Friday, October 30, 2020

October 24 2020

Oct 24, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Amitabha Sutra

Amitabha Buddha is infinite life, and those who are reborn there, or will be reborn there are also infinite life. The Amitabha Sutra says, “The lifespans of that Buddha and the citizens of his Pure Land are boundless and immeasurable.” This only seems to refer to those living in the Land of Bliss; however, it also includes those who will be reborn there.
This is because those reborn there will not receive a physical body for another life in the Six Realms. As they are assured of rebirth in the Land of Bliss at present, they have already attained the status of infinite life.


Namo Amituofo!