Monday, October 12, 2020

October 5 2020

Oct 5, 2020

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths


“Humility” is determinant deep faith - We are iniquitous, ordinary beings subject to endless rebirth. Since time immemorial, we have died and been reincarnated, without any causal conditions to leave the cycle of rebirth. So, we were iniquitous in the past, we are at present, and will be in future, We have no way to escape reincarnation within the Six Realms through our own power. Understanding these truths should give us a sense of humility and inferiority.

Actually, we don’t need to cultivate humility, because it is a matter of fact that we are iniquitous ordinary beings. Humility usually refers to virtuous conduct by those in a superior position. However, we have never been in that position or possessed that level of virtue.

(to be continued tomorrow)

「謙」就是,決定深信我們現在是個罪惡生死凡夫,曠劫以來是常沒常流轉, 未來世也是無有出離之緣,所以過去、現在、未來三世都是罪惡的,都是沒辦法脫離六道輪迴的,要有這種謙卑的罪惡觀。


Namo Amituofo!