Wednesday, November 25, 2020

November 17 2020

Nov 17, 2020
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Encouraging the practice of Amitabha-Recitation

As Amitabha’s deliverance is unconditional, we need not worry whether Amitabha will deliver us or not, based on our mood or feelings. Moods and feelings are impermanent. They come when conditions ripen and disappear when conditions depart. They have no lasting substance. The Buddha says, “Contemplate your impermanent mind.”
In particular, ordinary beings are heavily burdened by karmic offenses and afflictions, their minds always change depending on their environment. Nevertheless, whether they change to happiness or sadness it does not affect Amitabha’s deliverance. This is because Amitabha’s deliverance is as indestructible as a diamond, which is permanent in the past, at present and in the future.

彌陀救度,既無條件,則不可以心情之如何論彌陀之救與不救。心情乃是無常 ,遇緣則生,緣過則滅,緣生緣滅,本無實體;佛言「觀心無常」。

Namo Amituofo!