Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths
It is a great offense for a person to obstruct other people to practice in cultivation. He may suffer in the wretched realms for a long period of time. Though he may be born as a human being, it is likely that he has no wisdom. So, when we come across those who want to practice in cultivation, we should rejoice, praise them, and assist them to achieve in cultivation.
障礙別人修行的罪業很大,會長時在惡道裏面受苦,即使出生為人,恐怕也會沒有智慧。所以我們如果遇到想修行的人, 應抱著隨喜讚歎的心,來成就他們。
Namo Amituofo!