Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Truth of Impermanence
We live in a world of anxiety and fragility; so, it is natural to feel insecure and horrified. However, these forms of suffering are considered less severe because they only last for one lifetime. The greater kinds of suffering are those that continue through many lifetimes within the Three Domains and the Six Realms.
In the Lotus Sutra, it says, “The Three Domains contain no lasting peace. They are like a burning house filled with terrible suffering.” Reincarnation is the fundamental catastrophe. However, the Land of Bliss has no suffering. Those who are born there enjoy all kinds of happiness. So, whenever a Buddha is born, he must introduce the Pure Land teaching, and advise and guide sentient beings to recite Amitabha’s Name to attain rebirth in the Land of Bliss.
《法華經》就說:「三界無安,猶如火宅,眾苦充滿,甚可怖畏。」生死輪迴是根本的災難、根本的恐怖、根本的不安。而極樂世界是「無有眾苦,但受諸樂」。所以, 凡是諸佛出世,都介紹淨土法門,勸導眾生念佛往生極樂世界。
Namo Amituofo!