Tuesday, January 26, 2021

January 26 2021

Jan 26, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School

Ever since the study of the Pure Land teaching began, most scholars have thought there are three traditions in the Pure Land School – the Huiyuan tradition, the Shandao tradition, and the Cimin tradition. That means these three traditions propagated three different theories of the Pure Land teaching.
Actually, strictly speaking, in the historical development of Chinese Buddhism, and the historical development of the Pure Land teaching, there weren’t three traditions. There is only one, the Shandao tradition. Moreover, this tradition was entirely transmitted to Japan, where it served as the basis of Japanese Pure Land Buddhism.
We are followers of the Shandao tradition. Why should we follow the Shandao tradition?
(to be continued tomorrow)

其實嚴格來講,在中國佛教歷史上,乃至淨土法門的歷史上並沒有這三流,如果有,也只有善導流,而且完完全全的傳到日本,成為日本淨土宗主要的思想 ,我們這一流就是善導流,為什麼我們唯依善導流呢?

Namo Amituofo!