Thursday, January 28, 2021

January 27 2021

Jan 27, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School

The reasons are as follows: What Master Huiyuan practiced was not based on Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow about “exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name”. In addition, it was not based on the main sutras of the pristine Pure Land teaching. What Master Huiyuan practiced was based on the Pratyutpanna Samadhi Sutra, and its aim was to see the Buddha in the meditative state. 
So, with respect to the teaching, his approach was not based on the three sutras of the pristine Pure Land School. With respect to aptitude, it was not suitable for the majority of people. If we follow the practice of the Huiyuan tradition, we have no hope of being reborn. This is because the Samadhi of Pratyutpanna is not approachable for most people. Even remarkable monastics and virtuous practitioners cannot practice it easily, not to mention ordinary beings like us.
(to be continued tomorrow)

所以,從法門來講,不是依據純粹淨土經典的法門;從根機來講,也不是完全適合普遍的根機。我們如果依慧遠流作為修習的依據, 那就沒有希望了;因為依般舟三昧的方法來修行,不只沒有普遍性,即使是高僧大德也很不容易修成,更何況是我們這樣平凡庸碌的凡夫呢?

Namo Amituofo!